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celiac sharon

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celiac sharon last won the day on May 22 2017

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  1. Personally, I only buy from gluten free list. They are packaged in one pound and five pound zip top bags. Good heavy duty bags. I buy a lot of their dried fruit and nuts and make my own trail mix. I also love their cashew flour. I much prefer it over almond flour. I also love the dried cranberry beans. I have only had a few things I haven’t cared for, but i...
  2. They do indeed have ingredient list at the imaging center. There are many different oral contrasts is why your doctor can't tell you. You really have to check at the particular imaging center. I have ran across one that did, and it Was a vanilla flavored one. Also most places do have more than one oral contrast they can offer. Don't be shy. People ask for...
  3. I use the plain Vaseline lip therapy with no problems, or Carmex, I was allergic to burts bees. Not gluten, just regular, old fashioned rash and swelling. For body lotion I use cerave. I don't know if vaseline lotion is. All I could find was an old post saying all but Total moisture lotion was. But it was from 2009. You can always call the company if you...
  4. "Braly's Sign was first described in 1953 by an English Gastroenterologist, Dr James Braly. The majority of Celiac patients have a short 5th finger and this is Braly's Sign. (J Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2000; volume 31 (Suppl.3):S29. NEJM, August 18, 1999). In short (pardon the pun), the tip of the 5th finger (pinkie finger) is shorter than...
  5. If I may offer one other suggestion. It won't fix your allergies by any means, but my ophthalmologist told me to take flax oil every day. It's not a cure but it absolutely eased the symptoms for me of dry eyes. Still have to use drops at times and I am most affected by cold. But I really found out just how much it was helping when I decided I didn't want...
  6. Well, I didn't have to go through that. Got diagnosed before going gluten free. But it's my understanding that you only need about one slice of bread per day to get tested
  7. Stick with it and get the biopsy. You won't regret it, as texasjen says, the diet is very demanding and can be very isolating. It can be easy to convince yourself you can have a little gluten now and then, or that you don't have to worry about cross contamination when there is any doubt about the diagnosis. And don't kid yourself, even those who love you...
  8. Just something to know, Kozy Shack puddings are labeled gluten free.
  9. Good to know, I'm allergic to sulfa as well but have taken doxycycline for a different reason without problems. I'll be storing this idea for future reference....hopefully unneeded !
  10. Hello cycling lady, have you noticed my picture is showing up as you?  Have no idea why but it's rather disconcerting to see my picture and your words ?  Do you know how to fix it?  You seem to have far more experience with this board than I do

    1. cyclinglady


      We have brought it to the attention of our Administrator.  I hope it is fixed soon! 

  11. No, but beanitos makes a really good nacho cheese flavor that is gluten free
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