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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by katedevi

  1. 58 minutes ago, Victoria1234 said:

    Yes, the genomics can be viewed as one component , my  tTG-IgA test  was high positive initially and I was not surprised.  My 23andMe showed me pos for HLA DQ2, but there are other proven epigenetic factors : doing chemo, the increased gluten bred into the wheat supply and glycophosphate which leads us back to canola farming practices.   BTW full disclosure, I have worked in genomics for about 15 years....;)


  2. I self dx in 2011 and have tested genetically pos for celiac. After many years of being gluten-free and still struggling there is NO doubt in my mind that Canola oil is an issue~it is simply a bad oil; highly processed, GMO (in everything) and most restaurants will never bother to use organic so that is what you are getting when you eat out. Any TIME I have something that contains it I end up w a migraine and feeling like I have been glutened for the next 24 hours. It's horrible stuff and  I also avoid Safflower for the same reasons. Sunflower and high qual Olive Oil keep me feeling good. Same deal with Xanthum Gum and many of the other subs used for gluten that you find in baked goods. Another thing to be mindful of is that many Celiacs don't realize they also have issues with histamine which can echo the symptoms of begin glutened and  is naturally found in many foods such as canned tuna, leftovers, spinach, probiotics and anything pickled.  It has taken a ton of research on my part as a patient and scientist to help figure this out and sadly my docs were zero help! The fish was most likely a factor. The only fish i don't have a histamine reaction to is the stuff that I catch, eat or freeze in the same day. I also freeze leftovers as the bacteria present in the food is what creates the histamine spike......

  3. I have long suspected iCanola was an issue as I have been gluten free with no cheating for over 4 years now and STILL was having all kinds of reactions that were more like hangovers. For me and a trip to Spain and Italy has confirmed my thoughts~ where I was symptom free and whilst eating gluten free. I ate a bunch of things that I can't eat here in the US, I felt better than I had in years.


     You should be aware that the use of Roundup in crops has been linked to the increase in Celiac/Gluten issues. Guess what else is considered a Roundup ready crop???? We really need to wake up and pay attention to what Monsanto is doing to the US food supply. 



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