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  1. Tarte advertises their makeup and skincare as gluten free. I'm very sensitive and so far have not had a problem (they are also a clean brand) and do not test on animals Also AG hair is also gluten free its made in western Canada and I've been using it for over 20 years, it's readily available Canada wide but maybe not so much in other countries. It...
  2. I've been diagnosed celiac since 2008 and I just got glutened last week (hardly ever happens) but broke my rule of letting someone else order for me. Anyway my back and chest has been sore and tight since Tuesday along with the other glutened symptoms..I'm extremely sensitive, just a breadcrumb will make me sick. I will add that it seems like the more...
  3. I use dove free and clear bar soap and glaxalbase products are gluten free and uncented, paraben free, hypoallergenic, lanolin free etc..
  4. Hi Corrine My sister has suggested the following she is not a dr just works alot with patient files. Also her boyfriend who also has lyme and some stomach issues made some input..I'll just paste the following for your consideration Could be multiple things going on with definite celiac plus an autoimmune component, likely from a chronic infection...
  5. Interesting. ..and puzzling..I asked my sister if she has any ideas. She is a medical transcriptionist for a hospital here in Canada and sees alot of interesting diagnosis. Will let you know if she comes up with anything
  6. I actually didn't know I had lyme for 2 years while I ate that very simple diet..it just kept me very symptom free. I kept looking for answers and very luckily tested positive for lyme. The standard tests are not accurate. My sister did armin labs to get positive results (sent to Germany) and many people I know from a lyme group send samples there due to...
  7. I had the same thing happen to me. I literally ate 5 things for 4 years. Plain chicken, beef, potatoes, rice and avocado. No seasonings except salt and butter. Every time I tried to eat anything else I reacted badly..with oil I could only eat animal based oil. Turned out I had lyme disease and I think what's called mast cell activation syndrome. Also...
  8. I have celiac and dh have been gluten-free since 2008. Also celiac is on both sides of my family. I had horrible dh all my life...I remember being 3 and eating white bread and breaking out. I'm 47 now. It wasn't until I went totally gluten-free with all my personal care products that I beat DH. I know people say if you don't eat it that it doesn't matter...
  9. I stopped using any skin and hair product that has gluten in it as well as going gluten free. I had dermatitis herptaforaris and bad leaky gut and both sides of my family have celiac members. My dad has been celiac for over 30 years. We all took dna tests and tested positive to 1 to 2 of the celiac gene. I use vanicream on my face as well and had terrible...
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