i have lost count as to how many teeth i have lost and how many crowns I have on the ones that are left. My dentist has told me it's due to the celiac disease, that was undiagnosed for a very long time.
as a former chef(AS degree, classically trained, 25 years in restaurants), i can say that i can no longer work in regular kitchens. too much flour in the air for me. perhaps you can focus on business classes for a bit, they'd help you get to your goal of opening a bakery. You need to know all of that good stuff, too! where the money is coming in...
yes, i had SVT, went gluten free and no more issues. celiac disease caused malabsorption of vitamins, which in turn caused anemia. which caused the SVT. my cardiologist uses me as a reference point now when he has a strange case present itself. took a few months to resolve, but it's gone now.
My whole immune system is compromised due to late detection of celiac disease. I have hashimoto's disease, alopecia, gum disease and multiple food and drug allergies. My kids will bring home a virus and be sick for 2 days, for me it's 2 weeks. I had my heart surgeons PA tell me that due to inflammation in my body from celiac, it probably brought my heart...
Spring meeting on Saturday, April 2 2011, from 1-3PM at the Briarwood Retirement Community Center, Worcester, MA.
Featured speaker is Melinda Dennis, MA, MS, RD, LDN. Ms. Dennis a Nutrition coordinator and research investigator within...