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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by SLLRunner

  1. That sounds like food poisoning to me, since (1) corn has no gluten in it and (2) you have been eating corn fine your whole life. The only other alternative would have been if they used a coating or spices with gluten in it, but it seems unlikely to me for some reason. Hope you're feeling better.
  2. I agree with what others said. You should do the research prior to posting about opening a business based on gluten free products or foods.
  3. Hi Jenny, Welcome. I know some people have been diagnosed celiac just via blood tests before. I would talk to your doctor and find out what the next steps are. However, I believe that not eating gluten can make your endoscope come back negative for celiac even though your blood tests were positive.
  4. Hi, Welcome. Have you taken your son to the doctor yet? If you believe gluten is his problem, then I suggest you talk with your doctor about getting him tested. Could he be behaving badly due to reasons other than diet?
  5. Last year during an extremely stressful time, I was diagnosed with gastrtis. For months I had horrible excruciating stomach pain, gurgling, hot sweats/chills, letgargy, and my chest was so tight I felt like I was having a heart attack. Gastritis can cause some awful symptoms. Meds didn't help me at all, but stress reduction did, as well as dietary...
  6. Alison sounded like she was a wonderful person. May she rest in peace.
  7. Welcome, @littlesquirrellygirl. I am not sure if you realize you're realize you are responding to a post from 2013. Seriously, I just wanted to welcome you and encourage you to share some of your experience.
  8. Welcome, @Chase80. As your doctor to refer you to a celiac saavy GI and start with the full blood testing for celiac. Do not go gluten free until all testing is complete, otherwise results will be invalid. I was diagnosed with GERD and Gastritis and medication has not helped a bit. In fact, it seemed to make it worse and I stopped taking it. Unfortunately...
  9. Week 4 of the gluten challenge- wheat cereal every morning, regular bread every day, and wheat tortillas for my lunch wraps. Right now, body aches that seem exercise related (weight lifting and running), even though I am doing the same intensity of weight lifting and running I've always done.  Just a few more weeks until my blood test. Counting down the days.

  10. Oh man, 3 weeks into the gluten challenge-my body is sore all over, my head is foggy, and the bathroom and I have become good friends. This may be TMI, but it's fair warning to those who need to be tested for celiac to not go gluten free just to try it out

  11. Lisa, Thanks for sharing all that. It seems to be there is a whole lot of disbelief in from your PCP and some of your family regarding your celiac diagnosis, and a whole lot of you trying to convince them it is accurate. The bottom line is you have celiac and you do not need to justify it to anyone. It is what it is. Your health comes first. I...
  12. Hi Lisa, Didn't you have your medical records sent to your new PCP? If you received a celiac diagnosis from another doctor, she would be able to see that. I suggest sending your medical records to the new doctor if you have not already done so. That said, can you look for another PCP? I would personally be uncomfortable with one who questioned...
  13. Digestive problems continue with the gluten challenge, and they are getting worse. Doctor said 4 weeks of gluten for the blood tests, and other information says 8 weeks minimum, but I don't know if I can go much longer.  At least allergies to the 20 most common foods  are now ruled out. For me, that's a step forward. 

  14. Some people with celiac can't tolerate even gluten free oats. Is this the first time you've had such a reaction? What other ingredients were in the cookies? Could you have had an a reaction to something else in the cookies?? Is it possible there was an unintentional gluten cross-contamination?
  15. Welcome, Bunty! This conversation is pretty old, and the person you quoted has not been here since 2014 so she/might not see this to answer. I have not experienced this particular issue.
  16. Today is day 9 of the gluten challenge: I have enough gas to fly me from Cali to Ireland nonstop, but I'm way to tired to go. I itch (no rash), and I feel bloated as anything,

  17. Rachel, I agree that you need a new doctor. Try and find someone in your area who is celiac savvy. They're out there.
  18. Rachel, I can't open the photos. I would certainly take him to the doctor to have his rash biopsied (biopsy is on non-rashy skin near the rash). When you had the celiac test, were you consuming gluten at the time? If not, the result will likely not be accurate. In order for an accurate celiac blood panel, you need to consume plenty of gluten 6-8 weeks...
  19. @cristiana, it's not me then! Some text is missing from my screen too.
  20. I had a telephone conference with my doctor yesterday about the continuing digestive problems, and I now have an appointment with her on Wednesday. I told her I have eliminated gluten from my diet and am starting to feel much better, so I'm pretty sure my problem is wheat and/or gluten. Hence, another appointment. Blood tests were never done prior to the endoscope because my heartburn was so severe that they wanted to do find out what was going on. The report says the GI did only one biopsy of my intestine, which is not enough to tell anything. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SLLRunner


      Thank you. I don't think they are celiac saavy. I may have to look outside the Kaiser system, and I know I have to start eating gluten again for 2 to 4 weeks prior to the testing. Mt PCP was confused as to why the GI doctor did not test for my digestive difficulties, considering I told him about my gluten concern and he read my chart which has plenty in it. I may have to look outside the Kaiser system for a GI doctor.

    3. cyclinglady


      See my private message.  

    4. SLLRunner


      Thank you!


  21. Bartfull, I am fairly new here, but I am at a loss for words. You are an incredibly brave person. I send love, light, and many hugs your way.
  22. I have a phone appointment with my PCP on Friday so we can talk about what is going on with my body. The endoscope biopsy did not show any damage to my small intestine, which should be great except the biopsy report says one biopsy was taken of my esophagus, another of my stomach, and another of my small intestine. That's not enough to tell anything.

  23. Made some great gluten free bread tonight....so glad it's a success because....well...I love bread. 

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