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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Zodi1993

  1. Do you have the bread maker with the gluten-free option? Oster has one and the bread is amazing! We have used Bob’s Red Mill and Glutino Gluten Free Pantry mix with wonderful results. Also you should not use the same machine to make Gluten-free bread and regular bread as the risk of contamination is too great.
  2. This why I said no to Advil. My daughter is Celiac and was taking Advil for pain when I stumbled across this and she switched to Tylenol. Back to Dosage and Directions I am allergic to gluten. Is it all right for me to take Advil® products? Gluten is not added to any Advil® product during the manufacturing process. However, ...
  3. Hi Ali, Welcome to the forum. No on the Advil. Your friend and Doctor are correct that it needs to run its course. Mostly what helps my 24yr old Celiac daughter is her heating pad and lots of fluids. Water or tea and throw in a Gatorade or something similar. You will be basically flushing it out of your system. If you can get up and move around maybe...
  4. My Celiac daughter has been taking Zyrtec for a few years but gets it behind the counter from the pharmacist. The over the counter allergy medicine does not work for her. Not sure if you use an air purifier but that seems to make a difference for her. Using a nasal spray daily should help with your congestion. We both use Advair twice a day for our allergies...
  5. Hi, You need to have gluten in your system for the blood test to be accurate. If you eliminate gluten from your diet than the test will not be accurate. Getting a biopsy from your GI doctor will help confirm the diagnosis. Just eat a small amount everyday prior to testing. Try and keep a food journal so that you can pin point what, when and how your...
  6. Lots and lots of fluids to flush out the Gluten. Include a Gatorade or something similar. My Celiac daughter takes 1/2 of an Imodium AD multi symptom when she feels the grumbling coming on. A whole pill will wreck havoc on her stomach. Usually a half is enough to stop the diarrhea. Then keep hydrating for the next few days and it could a week or longer...
  7. Hi Mickayla, Well this forum is a wonderful site to help you through your journey. My daughter was diagnosed four years ago just days before her 20th birthday. She was a junior in college so it was a struggle with two other roommates. Everyone has different symptoms so be aware of what triggers yours. She also tends to eat at a lot at the same places...
  8. Hi My daughter is also 24 but was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 4 years ago. You need to give yourself a break. Some days will be better than others and you will feel so frustrated because you just want to feel normal. But this is the new an improved you. Just a suggestion that you might consider getting allergy tested. My daughter was still...
  9. Hi, Try having her drink a glass of warm water. As warm as she can tolerate at least once a day. It’s an old trick that nurses use when patients have problems using the restroom. Best of luck
  10. Anything using Tito’s vodka. Most places carry it so it’s my daughters go to drink. Also Angry Orchard cider is a good choice. She often brings her own when it’s applicable. Better safe than sick.
  11. Advil is not Gluten Free because it is subject to cross contamination. According to the company, "Advil Liqui-Gels and Advil Migraine contain a wheatderivative, and are not gluten-free." It's not clear whether regular Advil and/or AdvilFilm-Coated products are produced in the same facility, which would subject them to gluten cross-contamination.Aug...
  12. Hi, My 24 year old was diagnosed with Celiac Disease just about 4 years ago. She began having a hard time swallowing food and experiencing lots of acid so she had an Endoscopy last year and was positive for EoE. She had another allergy test done just after and found out she is also allergic to yeast. So we add that to her list of things she can’t e...
  13. My daughter has Celiac Disease and received a Sunbeam bread machine with the Gluten Free feature. She has used it many times over the past couple of years. The bread smells wonderful and it tastes amazing. No complaints here! ?
  14. My daughter is Celiac and super sensitive to most makeup but she uses No 7 which you can find at most Targets. It's kinda pricey but she doesn't breakout. She is also allergic yeast & sesame seeds so we are extremely careful to read the ingredients. When her face, neck and chest start to break out we know she was exposed to something. It's the first...
  15. Hi Seeking 2012 & GFinDC, Interested in the allergies & acid & heartburn. My 23yr old daughter who was diagnosed with celiac disease 3 years ago has been struggling with severe acid and seasonal allergies. She had an endoscopy done in June and was diagnosed with EoE. Has anyone else dealt with this? She is also allergic to wheat, yeast, shrimp...
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