Concerning my interests, I find that it depends on the day and my mood!! But the general list is as follows: Loved ones (human and furry), spending time with family and friends (for example, Wednesday night is 'Succulent Wild Women Wednesday's!!'), teaching (2 legged variety), creating (with art supplies, found materials, learning resources, food...), writing (journalling, learning resources), learning (from contact with others, books, PBS, Discovery Channel, internet...), sleeping (alone or with my loved ones: see above), laughing (with friends and family or AFV), listening to music (all types), sports (now I mostly watch them...), eating (since my diagonsis, most anything that is gluten free!!!), concerts (variety of acts seen), movies (open to anything that is 'good,' and like the ocassional 'artsy fartsy' and foriegn film), and the list goes on...