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Retired Librarian/Teacher

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Retired Librarian/Teacher

  1. When I was first diagnosed about 3 years ago, there was so little gluten free food, that I started loosing weight. Then, I started finding gluten-free cookies and crackers, and I started gaining. I think there is a mindset of: I can't eat very many things, so I'll eat a lot of those things I can eat, so I'm not hungry. That does put on weight.
  2. I have had to move to an assisted living facility as of January. I'm having trouble eating gluten free. I can choose what I want from a select menu, but sometimes that's not what I am served. I'm just stocking up on CortAide cream for all my blisters.
  3. I have been in the hospital 7 times in the last year and a half for issues of falling and creaming my head; no diet problems there, and they have the best tasting gluten-free bread. After each hospitalization, I had to go to a nursing home for rehabilitation; that's where the problems were. I was in 5 different places; each time I told them I needed to be...
  4. I have always said that one cannot have just one autoimmune disease! I have two types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central nervous system. (My brain really does forget to tell my body to breath.) I have had this for several years, and a few years ago my doctor added an oxygen concentrator to be used with my VPAP machine. (I was upgraded from a CPAP...
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