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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Victoria1234

  1. 9 hours ago, JustinTime said:

    This is an opinion and only comes from experience. I am a nurses aide and have worked in the food service industry for seven years. I love food but always had those issues of eating certain types. Mainly dairy and onions. No issues anywhere else unless it was too much sugar and caffeine. Dairy almost instantaneously gave me the rolling gut of death either end was horrifically preparing for pain. Most of the time anything with whole milk was to blame. Then after passing on onions since I can remember from being young. I tried chives loved them and began eating healthier incorporating onions into my diet wondering what was causing IbS acid reflux abdominal pain. Well cut onions and dairy out and within two days I was back to perfect. So I dug and dug actually went about six months eating vitamins greens and probiotics even got CBD oil. Eventually after almost a year of research and experiences I came to the realization that activated charcoal, boron, and a multivitamin became staples to my high metabolic diet. I'm 5'11 155lbs and have been for three years. Before I would jump between 140-155 like crazy feeling drained wore out and unhealthy most of the time. Now with boron twice a day activated charcoal twice a week and a multivitamin and a eat what I want diet I've never felt healthier and stronger. Be aware of your surroundings or mold, mildew, dust, stress. These all play a roll in many different ways. I can drink beer again without feeling like I have a cold or sinus infection. I would lean more towards Boron for stabilizing the process of my diet. Most produced foods and farms have been turned over so much there no boron in the soil, and then you have hydroponics and genetically modified foods that lack these natural elements our bodies need. I do not take prescription medications or over the counter medications anymore since I started taking Boron. I did start off with 18mg a day for the first month then tapered off to 4-6 mg a day. Research the process of boron on the human body balances testosterone and estrogen helps bind heavy metals and excrete them. Hope that this helps (used to be on ADHD medication as well as nexium and pain pills for my back) now I am free! Cured!

    What does this have to do with celiac disease?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Ennis_TX said:

    Fiber....wheat fiber, whole grain fiber....oddly to simulate the sticky gluten proteins most companies use starches....high glycemic less fibrous grains and gums to simulate it. Our guts break these down more....and less non soluble fiber makes it through the tract as bulk mass for the stool. Why my number one suggestions include insoulable fiber from nuts, seeds in addition to consuming more veggies, and less processed starch breads and foods. Sorta why they tell you not to go gluten free if your not celiac and to watch what your eating. Many gluten free foods cater to taste/texture not the needed fiber/nutritional profile we actually needs. SO you got to do your research, and balance your diet. Another reason we often suggest talking to a nutritionist or dietician.

    Breads, cookies, cake  and flour tortillas and such always gave me C. I always envisioned them turning into a thick gummy paste that stopped everything up! So I avoided these things since I was a teenager, decades before I went gluten-free. Always had to eat lots of beans and fruit my entire life. And again, that little quarter cup of prune juice once a week or so acts like liquid plumber for me, lol.

  3. On 1/2/2018 at 11:15 AM, Ennis_TX said:

    OMG RIGHT, the one I used to use was orrington farms not better than bouillon...I AM SO SORRY. I have not used a bouillon in ages and been using Pacific for the past 4 years. This is the safe brand again SO SORRY.

    I'm so confused. I eat it all the time, at least the chicken one. I just read the label and there's certainly nothing to indicate it contains gluten.

    check out the label here https://www.amazon.com/Better-Than-Bouillon-Chicken-Base/dp/B000VDSS3C

  4. 23 minutes ago, mystic said:

    A lot to consider here, thanks. I have a salad once per day  [Romaine lettuce, grated carrots, cucumber and water cress, no dressing]. I will add an apple or some grapes back to my diet. Regarding my cereal for breakfast , I used to have Flax cereal from Costco but I don't know if that's gluten free?

    Open Original Shared Link


    Your cereal is produced in a facility that also does wheat. I generally avoid those foods but it's totally up to you. If I were having problems I would steer clear.

  5. 29 minutes ago, mystic said:

    Everything I consume is gluten-free and non dairy. I use gluten-free flour mixed with almond flour to make flatbread. Unsweetened Almond milk with Cheerios Honey Nut Gluten Free Oats for breakfast. I have given up regular bread. I have stopped fruits too trying to cut down on sugar, wondering if I should add back a little fruit?

    You haven't mentioned veggies? And yes, I would add back some fruit. 

    Nowadays if I'm a bit irregular I drink a 1/4 c of prune juice. Works like magic.

  6. 3 hours ago, 54dx said:

    In may of this year, I suffered from the worst and most itchy rash ever! Started at the elbow, moved down to the hands, then to the legs and abdomen. It was awful, keeping me up at night; only ice packs relieved the itching. After several trips to dr, dermatologist, and allergist, I read this forum and I think I may have DH.  Although the derm did a biopsy, I don't think it was for this. I stopped eating all gluten and miraculously the rash started going away! After about a month, I was clear! I tried eating a piece of bread shortly after and ended up with a mouthful of canker sores. Since then, there have been a couple of times I've consumed gluten accidentally and each time I had stomach pain or digestive issues. I think I'm undisgnosed celiac! Is it worth eating gluten again to get a formal diagnosis? 

    Yes, if you will have a hard time for the rest of your life going without gluten on a "maybe". Many people can't be 100% compliant without a dx.

  7. 11 hours ago, LAR2017 said:

    I have the soft bouillon cubes from Knorr and I don't see any gluten-free labeling on them. Does anyone know the status on these? 

    We use the Herb Ox brand all the time without problems. https://www.amazon.com/Herb-Ox-Bouillon-Chicken-3-33-oz-Gluten/dp/B0005ZVGJY

    and Better the Bouillon too https://www.amazon.com/Better-Bouillon-Chicken-Vegetable-Variety/dp/B06XNZ6F9C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1514660426&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=better%2Bthan%2Bbouillon&th=1

  8. 1 hour ago, MinNYC said:

    I googled and it seems to have side effects if used long term. But right now, i dont care. It works. Do you use it too?

    I do use it! I just used it last night as I thought I was having a reaction to carmex. Didn't seem to help though. I also used it occasionally for helping with sleep. It did not help me with dh though.

  9. 15 hours ago, MinNYC said:

    Thanks all. Ive actually been having some luck taking one OTC Benadryl each night. May not be the healthiest thing long term but i definitely needed a break from the far too frequent itchy and ugly bumps. And its working.

    Hopefully this thread gives others lots of options.

    What is wrong with one Benadryl per day?

  10. 1 hour ago, Jane87 said:

    Hi AWOL, that's okay, I don't seem to get notifications unless someone quotes me in their reply. Thanks for your reply. That sounds like a nightmare for you to try and get a help! I'm pleased that you decided to take it in your own hands in the end and going gluten-free has helped you a least a little. I hope you can become more well as time goes on, sounds like you have a supportive family!

    Subscribe to your post for notifications. Looks like 6 people have done so!

  11. 3 hours ago, mystic said:

    Thank you for all of the info/advice. From a Psoriatic standpoint I had to eat healthier no matter what so my diet changes will need to be focused on that. It's just a few simple foods I need to get clear on, maybe you can advise on this please? Is it ok for a Celiac to eat regular eggs or would vegan or omega3 eggs be the better option? Also which would be better, butter or margarine?

    Unless you have specific allergies or dietary issues,  I don't think you need to avoid regular eggs or butter.

  12. 1 hour ago, Mom031988 said:

    I was diagnosed with celiac four year ago and really miss my bread. I have been reading a lot about sourdough bread and how celiacs may be able to eat it. I tried and made a loaf last week and have not had any problems that I normally have after eating something with gluten in it, i.e. extreme tiredness, achy joints, and diarrhea. A friend told me they think it is just in my head that I told myself I will not have a reaction but I don't think this is possible. I am making another batch of starter this week and will bake another loaf next week.

    The study showing celiacs not being affected by the bread ate a VERy specific type of sourdough. Sadly I couldn't find the original study, but just a summary.

    These results showed that a bread biotechnology that uses selected lactobacilli, nontoxic flours, and a long fermentation time is a novel tool for decreasing the level of gluten intolerance in humans.

  13. 23 hours ago, Jmg said:

    I often go out to a local pub. I don't drink any more so my order was typically a black coffee (eat your heart out Keith Richards). Most of the time it was fine, but several times I got horrible bloating, stomach churning etc. I drink quite a lot of coffee, always black and usually decaf without a problem, but the coffee from the pub was an issue, but only sometimes.

    i asked and the coffee was made with one of the pod machines. I think, but don't know for sure, that my issues related to cross contamination from when different pods were used in the machine.   I don't think it was gluten, more likely casiein / lactose related as CyclingLady says above. The answer of course is not to order the coffee, which sucks, but there you go.



    Could the cup itself be contaminated with gluten? Perhaps being washed alongside beer mugs? Just a crazy thought.

  14. Hello, I had a son who was speech delayed so I know how scary it can be. Mine is 19 now and He is never quiet anymore! I can hardly remember those days!

    Im trying to understand his story. He was ok before he was diagnosed, but afterwards he stopped making progress towards speech? What changed besides going gluten-free, if anything? Was it immediately afterwards or was it weeks or months afterwards? Because it would make much more sense to have symptoms resolve on a gluten-free diet. Unless he was gluten-free for a good amount of time, and then had accidental gluten, and had a temporary setback like Ennis spoke of. But again, being affected by accidental gluten is something that happens once one is on the gluten-free diet for awhile.

    Glad you have a good therapist. We had good luck with all of ours and we were so blessed with his treatment. Took awhile to actually get one as our first ped said it was just a boy thing and he'd outgrow not talking. Luckily we moved and the new ped was on top of things!


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