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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Victoria1234

  1. Personally I would do the blood test first. It's far cheaper and easier. You need to have the full celiac panel done... I'm sure someone else will pipe in exactly what that is. Even though you had part of the blood panel done years ago doesn't mean your results will be the same. And a complete panel will tell you the complete picture.
  2. Welcome. Sounds a lot like dh to me..... with a gluten-free diet it took mine almost a full year to completely clear up. Every time I had a cc issue it came back! Then every time I had a gluten issue the area would itch some but the rash itself wouldn't appear. It was weird. Anyway go get it biopsied asap and keep eating gluten until you get it done...
  3. Welcome! this statement is odd and sadly, untrue. You must avoid gluten for the rest of your life if you are celiac or non celiac gluten sensitive. the damage will repair itself over the course of months to years without gluten exposure.
  4. Did you find something else to help it? I've got sd also and was given a shampoo and cream.
  5. I myself may start eating eggs every morning as I've got to stay full from 6am till around noon and granola ain't gonna cut it. I might be able to sneak a snack but not sure of my schedule yet. Ill check out my granola and let u know the name of it if it's not full of corn. of course the gluten-free oats might be getting you, not the milks....
  6. That's terrible. I've been wondering why you haven't been around last few days. I Should have remembered your con. I'm so sorry it wasn't what you were hoping for. We all tend to make mistakes when we're excited about stuff, makes our brains go a bit wonky. hope your dads mouth wasn't dirty anymore. Good luck to you. You are missed here!
  7. Yum, what's wrong with eggs and bacon? i just got some gluten-free granola yesterday that I tried this morning and it's not too bad but it's got gluten-free oats. Can you do oats?
  8. Before you decide! Read this first http://surefoodsliving.com/2008/09/is-glucose-syrup-gluten-free/ then read the study that goes with it https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18710436?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
  9. Probably the only reason to stay away from your cacao glucose fructose syrup is to avoid the calories.... glucose is not gluten. Where do you live in the Czech Republic? I'm fairly familiar with Prague, but that's all. I love your foods very much (and alcohol).
  10. I went here https://www.wendys.com/en-us/gluten-info and seemed to have gotten conflicting info. In one place it's says the sour creme baked potato is gluten-free. In another place, under condiments, it lists only light sour creme as gluten-free. Anyone know for sure?
  11. The only symptom I know of that is celiac for certain is dh, which must be diagnosed by a dermatologist.
  12. Oops, took 30 minutes this time.
  13. Timed it, this time it took about 2 hours to be dropped.
  14. I seem to be getting kicked out of being signed in faster. Have to sign in every 2-3 hours or so? This is on my iPad. Seems to have started when the avatars became letters as well as the pix. Perhaps this is normal and has only just now caught up with me!
  15. Aspartame does the same to me when I used to drink soda or use those packets in a restaurant to sweeten my tea. (I am of course in the south!) Now, I just don't ingest any sugar subs at all and call it a day. But that pain and the abdominal pain I had before going off gluten was very similar.
  16. Oh goodness I didn't think about other people being all gross while making the fruit salad. Or using contaminated colanders....luckily next workday at school is Monday so I can recoop at home today. Any advice as to whether to take Imodium or let it run its course? I guess I could use some clearing out, lol.
  17. So yesterday was a teacher workday thing where they provided a light breakfast. There was a huge bowl of cut up fruit, which upon tasting seemed to be mixed with a bit of sugar, as it seemed a little sweet. Now I didn't have cups of it per se, but I did have maybe close to a cup of it. Plus some fruit juice. This is entirely unusual for my diet. I never have...
  18. Please be very careful with Tylenol. It can cause liver damage and even death. Most experts and health officials agree that when taken as recommended, Tylenol and other medications containing acetaminophen are relatively risk-free. However, as the new report points out, taking twice or sometimes even just a little bit more than the daily recommended...
  19. Make sure they biopsy on clear skin next to the rash for the dh possibility. Mine didn't go away with anything at all- my dumb drm didn't know about dapsone- so I suffered at least a year into the gluten-free diet.
  20. I just read thru all 5 pages of his saga. So sad that the last post he wrote where he said he almost died, was the last day he signed in. Wish there was a way to contact him to see how he's doing! (And I feel that way about lots of people who just drop off the face of the earth on here.)
  21. Good, I'm glad you have a plan. The dental school here is supposed to be good, just hard to get into.
  22. Is this near you at all? https://dentistry.tamhsc.edu/patients/index.html
  23. If you are currently on steroids, and have been on them for awhile, they may influence your testing towards the negative on your celiac blood testing. Not sure if it would effect you possible dh testing or not. How did they biopsy your rash?
  24. If you go with ensure etc. pls read the labels as they do often contain soy (usually for the protein source) if you are sensitive, and of course milk if you are sensitive. Many of us here are sensitive to soy and or milk so you test to see if this may be an issue for you. Carrageenan is in those drinks as well. Actually it's in just about anything that needs...
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