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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Victoria1234

  1. Was this instead of a blood test? Was it done twice? (Sounds like there was damage that she healed from that was seen previously.) im sure you know that lots of people don't show any damage but show positive on blood. And vice versa. And you need the biopsy so they can look at the microscopic villi.
  2. At some point you may want to get your kids formally diagnosed so they can get a 504 plan for school, and once they get old enough to get food out with friends they may start to rebel without it. They'll need it for college too and if they have to go overnite to the hospital. thoughts on the enterolabs testing is a. mixed bag here and on the internet...
  3. I actually meant the elimination diet, not more testing. This is where you eat foods that are very unlikely to be causing a reaction, such as just chicken and rice, for a period of time. Then you reintroduce a single food group such as dairy for a day and wait a few days to see if there is any reaction, feel free to google elimination diet for a much better...
  4. Do you guys cook them in a skillet after boiling and rinsing to improve the texture? I tried some once without doing so and found them so rubbery....
  5. Not sure if this would need the xanthan gum or not, that part is confusing as it's not really like a bread or cookie, right? I guess I would try it both ways as suggested in kareng's post. http://chapmanslanding.blogspot.com/2013/06/rhubarb-custard-ramekins-gluten-free.html this recipe suggests bobs red mill flour and says if you don't need...
  6. Have you tried an elimination diet to check for other food allergies? A lot of people on here can't have milk, soy, eggs, etc. and it's fairly easy to do the elimination diet to test at home.
  7. A biopsy can diagnose celiac disease while gluten-free if your body hasn't healed yet. Depending on how damaged you were it can take a different amount of time to go back to normal. Most places recommend eating gluten at least 2 weeks before biopsy, and lots of people here had negative results doing so. I was slightly confused as to how long you have been...
  8. Sorry, I stopped reading right here. celiac means that you can't have just a little. You can't have any. At all. Then your healing will finally be able to start.
  9. Doesn't necessarily sound gluten related to me at this point. Allergies are still rotten this time of the year! You can suddenly be allergic to pollen or mold at any time your life if you weren't before. And I'd see your gp to get a referral for your knee sooner than later so it doesn't get worse.
  10. Interesting. We don't have any at the moment and don't use it very much except for the bread my husband occasionally makes (gluten bread that I don't eat anyways.) I'll check out the package itself next time we buy it. Why would they put gluten in milk I wonder?
  11. The original poster hasn't been on for many months.
  12. Walmart brand great value is what we use. Ingredients: Ingredients: Nonfat Dry Milk, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D3
  13. They said brown rice crispies Whole grain brown rice, sugar, salt, bht Vitamins and minerals: iron, thiamine hydrochloride, cholecalciferol (vitamin d3), niacinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, d-calcium pantothenate. http://www.kelloggs.ca/en_CA/rice-krispies-brown-rice-gluten-free-cereal-product.html
  14. JMG, I just read your link and the posts about your non celiac diagnosis and although they are about a painful experience, they are enjoyable to read. You are very talented. Have any of your jobs involved writing?
  15. Sounded like it's against the law in that state to bring in outside food to any restaurant. A simple phone call to the tavern would have told them that. Prior planning is exactly what was needed here. We don't have the right to break laws, and outside of school and jail, (with the correct paperwork), we don't have the right to have gluten-free food everywhere...
  16. Tell him asap to expect to get blood drawn next week or whenever the appt. is. My boys never like surprise medical exams!
  17. Interesting article. my curiosity brought this up about if celiac is covered by the ada. https://www.verywell.com/ada-and-celiac-disease-563100
  18. I had to be on other Meds to help my other psych issues for 2 years before she would consider that my lack of motivation was an issue that was not going away. I specifically asked for the adderall 2 years ago when I first saw my dr. and even though I had been on it before and it was documented, she refused to give it to me! I was so annoyed back then as I...
  19. Thanks. I plan on not using it on weekends but will need it during the workweek, especially any day I'm teaching!
  20. So here's my adderall report.... I take it in the am, after my other melds and coffee. It's the XR version so it lasts all day for me, but the most helpful part is the first 4 hours. It takes a little while to kick in, and then I notice a calming effect. I'm usually very anxious so this is nice. I notice I'm more positive, and feel actually pretty happy,...
  21. Just wanted to pipe in that my hair started going gray at 19. Started coloring it immediately and decades later, still doing it. I had the guts to go completely without coloring in my late 40's. i was fully gray by then, I used a wig during the hair regrowth period. Then one day I started again. And I'm a bit hypo myself but I have no idea if that had anything...
  22. If you have had a sleep study and been diagnosed, you have sleep apnea. It's definitely different than waking up to go to the bathroom. Are you using your cpap every night for The entire night. Naps too? SA can actually cause death so it's very Important for you to use it every time you sleep. Do you follow up with your doctor yearly? Sorry to sound like...
  23. Summer sausage, rope sausage or link sausage? what were the ingredients? Msg makes me dizzy.
  24. http://www.cghjournal.org/article/S1542-3565(16)30547-X/pdf
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