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julie falco

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by julie falco

  1. I have had high levels of this LDH for years all other blood work is normal so I looked it up searched if this is related to celiac and this was the answer. Yes, celiac disease can cause high levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the blood. High LDH levels can be an alarm symptom of an acute exacerbation of celiac disease, even when a person...
  2. this spice afetida is used in almost everything cooked in Indian food. Its first ingredients is Wheat, this picture is of a gluten free brand that just came out. I used to eat Indian food a couple of times a week but have not gone out to a restaurant to eat in years, I learned to make my own not using afetida although it is in alot there spices U have...
  3. yes Scott I have followed gluten free since I was diagnosed, and have not have an issue with this since. Thank you for your concern.
  4. I just looked it up and it is gluten free. I never see this I just ordered it on Amazon.. Thank you I'm beyond excited. Still not safe to eat Indian food out I'm sure they dont uses this brand. I picked that picture out randomly. now I'm glad I did.
  5. just noticed that. I'm not sure of the brand I know when I go to an Indian supermarket which I do often I look on their labels and the first ingredients is always wheat. This picture I just googled the name Asafetida as I know it if this is labeled gluten friendly then that is a good thing I will check it out on line to see the ingredient label. thank...
  6. Indian food is my favorite I make it myself so I know what I'm adding. Wegmans brand Indian jar mixes are gluten free if u choose to make your own. alot of there brand products salad dressings, Chinese sauces and Indian are all gluten free I love that store for this reason. The picture below is a spice the Indians use in alot of there dishes the first...
  7. It's amazing it took this many years to find out about this disease. Grateful for the future generation. I never noticed the connection of these outbreaks to celiac till maybe a year or so later . I was like wow I just realized I haven't got any these itchy spots or the sores I used to get on my hands that were painful until they surfaced as a blood...
  8. I wasn't diagnosed in 1967 that is when I had all tests done and they couldn't figure out what I had that was causing my issues. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. Which means back int he 60's they had no idea what I had.
  9. I am a 74 yr. old woman diagnosed 5 years ago with celiac. I suffered with this dermatitis problem since I was 15 yrs. old. I had severe itchy bumps on my knees elbows so bad I made them bleed and they still itched, also I got painful spots on my finger tips that were so sensitive to the touch. Back in 1967 I had gone to Belview Dermatology clinic in...
  10. I know of a couple of people that have celiac yet show no signs of being glutenated yet they are still doing the damage to there small intestins it is a know fact look it up
  11. Seeing that other people are having same symtoms and it wasn't just me hopefully Dr's see these messages and use it for their knowledge, these messages in here could be very helpful for other people I hope the Celiac Foundation is keeping records of certain posts. Nothing better then getting information straight from the people .
  12. Once diagnosed with Celiac a month later ( Dr. said A-Fib was a result from Celiac and took me off heart med. Followed gluten free diet and no longer had a problem
  13. Before being diagnosed with Celiac I was admitted to hospital with erratic heart beat they couldn't get my heart regulated was ready to shock my heart but medications got it back in proper rhythm. I was put on heart meds. Meantime I was already scheduled for endoscopy for celiac test results were positive. On return for follow up with heart Dr. I asked...
  14. I too won't eat gluten free pizza out and the reason is that I'm sure there using the same ladel to spread the sauce on that they use for regular pizza that is my opinion of what is making it not gluten free I doubt that they have a separate pot of sauce with a separate ladel...
  15. ok thank you for your response....its myself that is going to make them I just try them with salt only .....
  16. My husband read somewhere that plantains are not gluten free. Is this true ?
  17. thank you so much for your quick reply. It was Walmart brand Advil
  18. has anyone had a reaction from taking Advil?
  19. I ate out just having a salad, I'm going through regular contamination results, wondering if anyone has had blurry vision for a day or 2 after
  20. about 8 months..I was anemic before getting diagnosed but I'm not no more and not diabetic, all I have wrong with me is hyper thyroid and Celiac..this with my feet just started a couple of days ago seems like after I had Chinese food which I know the owner and asked for them to be careful because of my condition the only thing I know they used was to make...
  21. has anyone tried Caulipower pizza crust or pizza already with toppings, it is delicious I buy the plane crust and add my own sauce and mozzarella and oregano, it is so delicious they sell it in the supermarkets.....
  22. I have celiac and was wondering if neuropathy is related to it? I never had it but seems like if I eat something that I think might have cross contamination I get tingling and burning in my feet.
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