I'm not sure how to reply to you guys individually yet. But thank you for responding and for the genuine care. I do think I need more sleep and to get back on track with my supplements. I'm only week 2 into exercising and I work out at home. I've been keeping at it and pushing through this time, I'm year 2 into healing. I grew up as a ballerina and pouring...
Hey, so I've been noticing a pattern where everytime I start a new workout routine or try to do a 30 day challenge, my body catches a cold or a flu. I usually end up quitting and resting but I want to be fitter and I just made a 21 day commitment to eat clean and exercise 6 days a week. Nothing crazy, I'm eating excellent food and often and my routines are...
Oh my, sounds like celiac to me. I had a lot of these symptoms and was given steroid creams etc. I also had chronic Y.I, and flus, breathing difficulties, nausea, anxiety and since going gluten-free, it's disappeared.