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Luana D

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Luana D

  1. Hi cyclinglady, Thank you for your helpful info. I will look into those links and be ready when I see my GI. I will update when I get more information.
  2. Hi cyclinglady, I think you are correct on the test ordered by my NP. It was cheap. It was Tiss TGlutaminase IgA test. And I didn't have the lab run it through my insurance paid cash. It was 32.00 and if I paid for it there they would give me half off. So I said sure. I figured in case I might need further testing then they can run my through my insurance...
  3. Hi TexasJen, Thanks for your response. I have never joined a support group like this before so I couldn't even figure out where to start one of my own post. lol I'm still learning. I'll figure it out. I got news via telephone yesterday that my celiac test was negative and also negative for parasites. So now I will see my GI doc again and get her to investigate...
  4. Hi, I am new to this group. I am currently on a quest for answers and I am quite frustrated. I have been to many offices where I get scheduled with nurse practitioners.... then they leave. I live in Hawaii and we don't have very many specialist and when we get one they don't stay long due to high malpractice insurance. I have had digestion problems for many...
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