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Be sure to check all of your toiletries for gluten. A lot of the lotions that promote soothing have oat in them. Quite a few have wheat, wheat germ or wheat starch. Did you get yourself a dedicated toaster? I now have one, a Christmas present from my MIL. And check ALL labels. Since the new labeling law went into effect I'm finding that lots of things I thought were safe are "made in a facility that also processes wheat"
Give yourself time.
I want to thank you for your reply to my questions and concerns. Everyday is a new adventure for me as I wair for new dvelopments with this disease. I am dizzy, somewhat confused and my strength is not what it should be. I know in time with this medication I will eventually turn the corner but it's the wait time that is frustrating me.
I have open mind and willing to stay on the gluten free diet becuase once this disease is under control I do not want to go backwards! My family is suupporting me and will do whatever it takrs tom make me feel better about my condition.
I go for my third blood test tomorrow and hopefully I will be improving. My Dr. diagnoised the disease right away and got me started on the road to recovery. I have confidence in him but will get a second opinion and new testing next month just as a backup! If I am to be on this diet for life I want all test data to be confirmed by two different Drs. and labs. I will feel better knowing this!
Live long and prosper!
I have been on the" gluten free diet' for two weeks and signs of recovery has started. I saw a dietitian today and she was amazed at the knowledge I had in such a short time. Thanks to this website and several others I have visited I can now relate to others who are further down the road than I am.
I have tried making my own bread using the approved flower mixtures and lists of approved ingredients. It tastes awful and I" toasted it" to hide the taste. Am I doing something wrong or is this the best it gets?
What is the average time for the skin blisters and rashes I have to disapear quietly into the night! My scalp is a battlefield and I have been using a medicated shampoo for the last two weeks with no change. I need some help to locate the best product available to win then war and return my scalp to normal!!
I am brand new at this and hope my questions make some since and that I get some helpful advice soon!
This site has a lot to offer celiacs who need to learn what it takes to get healthy and stay that way! I am a 60 year old male who's body is not willing to give up the fight!! Go Irish!
Poll: Who Will Eat
in Gluten-Free Restaurants
no way! I don't want to start over!