This is true but many dermatologists never learn how to do a DH biopsy. I had a dermatologist do one here in CA and she did it directly on the lesion despite my sending her the research paper on the correct way to do it (since it's so specific and unusual). She was insulted, I'm sure. I also needed stitches because she hit a vein! Then when the results came...
Yes, sounds familiar! My old dermatologist took a biopsy right on top of the lesion (incorrect method) and then told me I probably had flea bites. I have a new dermatologist who understands the correct way to do the skin biopsy but I haven't had the courage to eat more gluten to give him something to biopsy yet!
Hi Eggs- I sympathize with your frustration. I self-diagnosed DH about 4 years ago now and I have tried very hard to get a dermatologist to do the biopsy so I can get an official diagnosis. The biopsy for DH is not a routine biopsy at all. I've had two biopsies and both told me I likely just had flea bites (even with no pets)! This is despite having classic...