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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by seerwatch77

  1. Hi I’ve been gluten free for 14 months since diagnosed with celiac. I’ve mostly avoided eating out, but right now I’m on a trip and so have gone to a couple restaurants this week. I now have pain in my abdomen that Feels like a rock sitting in my abdomen just slightly to the left and above my navel, that hurts more if I put any pressure on it (I.e. rest ...
  2. Whoops, I totally misunderstood and thought you were saying that they were not at all useful. My bad. I do avoid oats and gluten-removed beer. I am hoping to introduce oats at some point, but have been following the Canadian Celiac associations guidelines which say your antibodies should have come down and you should be feeling better. Luckily it is...
  3. Assuming a celiac person does not have any other autoimmune conditions, wouldn't testing antibodies be a decent indicator of dietary compliance? Maybe not to the level of detecting small amounts of gluten ingestion, but it should indicate if the person has regular amounts of gluten in their diet (i.e. someone who didn't realize beer had gluten).
  4. I'm feeling better than I was last year, but not entirely good. I'm planning to cut down on sugar and remove dairy from my diet once I finish the foods I have right now. Currently, I eat cheese and yogurt but will switch to just lactose-free yogurt and no other dairy and see if that helps. My gastro told me they were still too high but didn't seem overly...
  5. Hello all! Like the title says, I have a question regarding antibodies. My antibodies are still slightly elevated after almost a year on the gluten-free diet. I’m wondering if I might be getting some low levels of CC or is it normal during the healing process for the antibody concentration to plateau at a slightly elevated level? Some background: ...
  6. Hi Joe, I was diagnosed last year at age 20, so I'm still a newbie too. For me, the brain fog was the first thing to go away, and it took about a month for it to improve enough for me to think it was all gone. Boy, was it nice to be able to be engaged in conversations again! As for the stomach pain/discomfort, mine is better but still hasn't fully gone...
  7. If you look up the Wikipedia article for gluten, it classifies the avenin in oats as a gluten. However, I read a paper (I'll link it if I can find it again) detailing the reactivity of celiacs to various glutens, including avenin. The short version is: Avenin has a similar structure to gliadin (wheat), hordein (barley), and secalin (rye), but those...
  8. I'm from Canada and I'll be traveling to near Des Moines, Iowa next month for a family reunion. We will be staying at a resort (Honey Creek) and I'm not sure of how good the food will be. What is a good place to stock up on snacks and easy gluten-free food in Des Moines before heading there? Also, what would be the best place to get Larabars? I want...
  9. Thanks for the suggestions! I think I'll try to keep a food diary and eat only a few things each day. I have a little bit of dairy from butter and may have some soy from the few cookies/chips I eat, so I'll see if cutting those out makes me feel better. I have read the newbie 101 thread and I mostly eat whole foods. I was tested for h-pylori a few months...
  10. Hello all! I was diagnosed with celiac and went gluten free two months ago. I'm feeling a little better (no brain fog for finals! Hurrah!), but I'm feeling sick after eating pretty much everytime. My doctor said its related to celiac and I'll just have to tough it out for the next few months, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about stuff to...
  11. I am also in the same boat. I'm 20, in my junior year of college, and got diagnosed a month ago. I also still have the brain fog, upset stomach and low energy, as well as depression from being sick so long. If you're like me and ate a lot of bagels and frozen pizzas pre-diagnosis, cooking every meal might seem daunting, especially with the low energy...
  12. I know how you feel. I have 3 roommates that are not gluten free and like to bake. We don't share food, so I can't eat their gluteny food unless they offer it to me, which has really helped. You could try keeping snacks with you so you don't feel as tempted to have some cookie when your friends are. For helping you stay on the diet at home, maybe talk...
  13. Hi, I just got the blood test for celiac done and the results came back positive. My mother and aunt both are diagnosed with celiac so it is likely I have it too. My doctor said the endoscopy will take a while to get (on the order of months) and that I should start a gluten free diet immediately, then go back on gluten for the six weeks prior to test...
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