Hello! I was diagnosed 2 years ago with celiac disease. I am now being monitored every 3 months for Vitamin D, Iron, and B12 Deficiencies. I did receive an iron infusion in August and have been getting B12 shots. Both worked well, but there is no injection for Vitamin D. I have been increasing the amount of Vitamin D supplements I take. Knowing that...
An update:
I got my endoscopy done and just had my results come back with everything being completely normal. I see my internal medicine doctor to go over results tomorrow. It was already scheduled for me to see her. This is the gray zone I DID NOT want to be in. The GI office told me I can keep eating gluten because there is no evidence of Celiac...
Im in the middle of being diagnosed. My blood test was positive 2 months ago. I had a endoscopy a week ago and am waiting for results on that. So for the last 2 months I have been eating gluten and reading about this new possible diagnosis. So far, in my life, the hardest thing has been trying to get those around me to understand how dangerous gluten will...
I too am in the process of getting diagnosed. I do not have classical symptoms, so it was a bit of a surprise to me. Over the last 8 months, I have been sick a lot. It seems as though everytime I get my period it completely wipes me out and I get worn down and sick. A couple of months ago, I began getting dizzy and felt tired all of the time. Napping...
I had a glass of wine with dinner last night and after a few sips it immediately made my face start burning. If I itched it it felt painful, like scratching a sunburn. At that point I had not eaten anything. The burning pain went away after about 20 min, but itching continued and my face just felt hot for the rest of the night. I don't have alcohol frequently...
Thank you for the response. I am definitely counting the days until I can officially know for sure and move on with the new diet. I am tired of feeling bad, so it's getting easier to accept the drastic diet changes. I feel lucky that my doctor found it so quickly and I actually got a positive blood test. After reading this site, I can see that is something...
Hello everyone! I am new to this site and only about 2 months into my research on Celiac disease. I am a 38 year old female. After months of having, what I thought was, unrelated symptoms and lots of bloodwork and even a stress test and chest CT scan, I was told my Celiac blood panel came back positive for Celiac disease. Only one of the categories was...