Hi! I am feeling a little overwhelmed. My daughter's doctor said that her biopsy came back positive for celiac. She then said that she wanted to talk to the pathologist and run one more sllide test. Has anyone ever heard of this before. I usually ask a lot of questions but I wasn't prepared for that diagnosis. I know very little about celiac disease although I have already spent hours on-line. My daughter, who is 14, is having a hard time. She lives on peanut butter and white bread and bagels. Any recommendations for a good gluten-free bread. Thanks . Jackie
Teenager Just Diagnosed
in Parents, Friends and Loved Ones of Celiacs
Hi! I am feeling a little overwhelmed. My daughter's doctor said that her biopsy came back positive for celiac. She then said that she wanted to talk to the pathologist and run one more sllide test. Has anyone ever heard of this before. I usually ask a lot of questions but I wasn't prepared for that diagnosis. I know very little about celiac disease although I have already spent hours on-line. My daughter, who is 14, is having a hard time. She lives on peanut butter and white bread and bagels. Any recommendations for a good gluten-free bread. Thanks . Jackie