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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jms13

  1. Thank you for suggestions! I am taking a probiotic but so far it isn’t doing me any good.
  2. Ive been to both my GI and my family dr. I’ve had a scope and upper GI. Doctor said I need to give it time, tests didn’t show anything other than the damaged villi from celiac. Family doctor sent me to a nutritionist. I do have an appt at the end of the month for a 2nd opinion @ Cleveland clinic.
  3. Hoping someone out there has some pointers on how to deal with extreme bloating. I have had celiac for years now but after a recent exposure I can’t seem to get rid of the bloating. All other symptoms are gone and it’s been a few months now. As soon as I eat, I balloon up, I know it takes time for the gut to heal but anything I can do in the meantime? I’...
  4. Thank you, I am researching that now. I’m wondering if I am a non responsive celiac. Something to definitely discuss with my GI doctor.
  5. Thank you, that’s a good suggestion. I have appointments with all 3 of my doctors in the next two weeks.
  6. My hemoglobin was 6 at time of blood transfusion, iron saturation was 4% and ferritin was 3, iron 18. I am still receiving iron infusions via outpatient, hemoglobin is on the rise since receiving the blood but hemotolgist said the cells are still small. I did go back to my primary care doctor. He is not much help as far as celiac knowledge goes and refered...
  7. I thought I was totally gluten-free. Wasn’t having any of my “normal” celiac symptoms. Just the bloating, so I went into my docs to find out what it was. The bloating was so bad by the end of the night I looked 9 mos pregnant. The doctor reviewed my blood work and sent me straight to the hospital for a pint of blood and 3 iron infusions. They did a cat s...
  8. Diagnosed for years, recent unknown exposure put me in the hospital. This time around, instead of bathroom issues, I’m just extremely bloated and retaining lots of water (8lbs in 3 days, don’t eat nearly enough for it to be real weight) How long until this goes away and is there anything I can do to help heal so this awful bloat goes away? Help!
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