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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Wheatwacked

  1. Growing up I wondered why restaurants always put parsley on the plates when no one ate it. ten grams of parsley sprigs have Vitamin K (phylloquinone)164µg. The RDA of vitamin K is 19+ years male: 120 mcg female: 90 mcg. Maybe your doctor would agree instead of the pills? The USDA Food Data Centra is a good source of nutrition. USDA ...
  2. Take the diagnosis and run. In the worst case you can stop eating gluten free after say a six month trial. Some, like recovering alcoholics never get over the craving. Resistance is not futile. Some wait as much as ten years to finally get the diagnosis. Be sure to monitor your diet for vitamins and minerals. During recovery you need way more than the...
  3. Malabsorption is a potential complication of bariatric surgery. Is one your docs monitering vitamin D and other vitamins and mineral? Malabsorption due to the surgery and now adding the malabsorption from Celiac Disease? Nutrition advice? One hears stories; "You've got Celiac Disease, don't eat gluten. Have a nice day". Gluten Free stops the...
  4. Vitamin D concentrations <20 ng/mL are associated with a significant increase in the number of eosinophils in blood. As Scott said, "A weak positive is still a positive". You could insist on an endoscopy with celiac biopsy. One day without eating will not effect your blood work. Weeks or months Gluten free will. It all depends...
  5. Issues with fat digestion often are the result of not enough cloline in the diet from avoiding eggs and red meat. Awesome.
  6. Eating foods that make you feel better. Good Plant based diet, not so good. In addition, for Celiac Disease, when you eat gluten free there are food fortifications that are required in not gluten free processed food but are not in gluten free foods. In addition to the list on this website, consider iodine (in the US population iodine intake deceased...
  7. The good news is that acccording to the tests done she is being compliant about GDF and with no other symptoms is thriving. The bad news is that she is very sensitive to gluten. That would likely indicate a compromised immune system from multiple vitamin deficiencies. Has she been checked for 25(OH)D Serum Level?
  8. Eat Right for Your Spine When your vitamin D levels are restored through supplementation, your pain may significantly decrease. Before taking vitamin D supplements for your lower back pain, talk with your doctor about possible side effects and proper dosage.
  9. Ask about your prescriptions. Some of your symptoms are possible side effects of the drugs. Several BP meds crippled me, I take Clonidine now. Metformin and other diabetes meds turned me zombie like after 3 months on them. They all comprimise the immune system and that is why vitamin D is so important. The impact of methotrexate therapy with vitamin...
  10. Why the iron? Have the doctors tested for vitamin D. Is she eating enough eggs, milk, meat? Start her on the Thiamine today. The minimum for a child of four years is 0.6 milligrams. That's 600 mcg. That is 3X the minimum folate (200 mcg). fThere is no established upper limit for thiamin intake in humans because there is no evidence of adverse...
  11. Since you probably both eat the same diet, I suggest you both get tested for Urinary Iodine Concentration and Low serum levels of 25(OH)D. TSH is not a good indicator of iodine sufficiency. The WHO recommends a woman has an iodine level of 150ug/l to maximise fertility and the health of her baby’s growing brain.
  12. Whether Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance (in the US it is an official diagnosis of Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) if you go back to eating wheat it will come back. You already know how much 3 days helps, imagine a lifetime of improvement. Gluten is addictive. It affects the opiod receptors. But you do need at least 4 slices of bread or the equivalent...
  13. Welcome to the forum @Banana I was 63 when I started GFD and had been mostly stuck in bed since around 2012. My symptoms were blamed on 30 years of alcohoiism. Funny thing; after only 3 days of GFD, I stopped drinking and did not miss it. Another test is antigliadin G. It may be posistive even if the other tests are negative. I...
  14. Sorry Typo, I meant supples us with lactAse. They make LactAse for themselves but we enjoy the benefits in a symbiotic relation. "Humans started to drink mammal’s milk 11,000 years ago. Nowadays, cow, goat and sheep milks account for about 87% of the world milk production. The high incidence of allergies to cow’s milk components and autoimmune diseases is ...
  15. @Dora77, I started taking 10,000 IU vitamin D3 around March 2015. I also am taking 250 mg Thiamine one to three times a day.. In September 2019 it was still only at 47 ng/ml. It was another two years before I reached 80 ng/ml and has stayed between 80 and 93 since. Last May it was 93 going into the spring with lots of sun exposure so I took a...
  16. You are not alone in this. Cant stop burping since having baby!! advice please Thiamine deficiency can cause gas. Gastrointestinal Beriberi. You might find these studies interesting. Anti-Gliadin Antibodies Identify Celiac Patients Overlooked by Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies "5 of 26 patients (20%) with biopsy-proven celiac disease...
  17. since she couldn't share in the others' food due to her sensitivity, she preferred not to share her own meal either. Part of the anger stage of mourning.
  18. Hello @Dora77, It seems you are doing well on your gluten free diet other than a few glitches. As @trents said, this and even your anxiety level both are symptoms of your Celiac Disease and malabsorption. Are you overexagerating? I don't think so. It is good that you are aware, but don't let it get in the way of life. Your...
  19. I get the Canyon Heritage Style Wholegrain sometimes the Honeywhite. Their heritage style is about the size and texture of rye bread. Keep it in the freezer and nuke two slices for a minute then cool on a wood cutting board. Good for roast beef, ham and swiss and hamburgers.
  20. No, the increase in antibodies is due to gluten, but the excema may be caused on of the symptoms of Celiac. Plus low vitamin D. Could be one of the symptoms of gluten intolerance not usually recognized as a gluten problem. From the article above What Are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease? Conditions Associated with Celiac Disease: Skin Problems...
  21. To @jayjays, Take vitamin D for the night terrors, Thiamine for the neuralogic, and Choline for the gut dybiosis and brain fog, Red Bull for the energy. I do think his recearch is important, he is looking for a non Gluten Challange way to diagnose Celiac Disease. Wonder where this research went:
  22. Chronic urticaria: A cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease The immunoglobulin G autoantibody binds to the immunoglobulin E receptor and causes mast cell degranulation resulting in urticaria. Antigliadin antibody classes in chronic liver disease In conclusion, these results indicate that AGA (either IgG and IgA) can be present at low titre...
  23. During this entire discusssion of the immune system there was no refefernce to the fact that vitamim D regulates T cells
  24. Yes, does not matter. Anti-gliadin IgG is an antibody that detects the body's reaction to gluten. You can have other things going on, but bottom line is you have an abnormal immune system reaction to gluten. Remove it from your life. Some have withdrawal for up to 10 days, and thats depressing. It is due to the strong effect of gluten on the opiod...
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