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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Wheatwacked

  1. Hi Jessica, When my son was weaned in 1976 he had similar stool. I made it to 63 years old before I had it. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a blood marker for inflammation produced by the liver. Low serum TMAO induced by choline-deficits diets is associated with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), "Decreased synthesis of IgA is observed in...
  2. Has your vitamin D level been tested? "A strong significant inverse association was observed between tTG antibody levels and serum 25(OH)D... participants with positive IgA tTG antibodies was 37.2 times higher for participants with 25(OH)D < 12.5 nmol/l than those whose vitamin D status was higher " Celiac disease and severe vitamin D deficiency...
  3. Focus on malnutrition, reducing your omega 6:3 ratio to around 3:1 (typical western diet is above 14:1). Making your own fermented pickles or buy fermented (no vinegar) will help repopulate your gut with lactobacillus which excretes lactase to reverse lactose intolerance. 100% Grass Fed milk has a omega 6:3 ratio of 1:1. Organic milk is 3:1 and regular...
  4. How much have you been taking? I need 10,000 IU a day to maintain 80 ng/ml blood level. Have been since 2015. I took until 2018 just to get to 47 ng/ml . Only a few days after increasing from 8,000 to 10,000 a day I said this is sunshine in a bottle! I am on prednisolone 10 mg/day maintenance dose because before starting GFD I had to take 30 or...
  5. Vitamin D deficiency is the missing link between your dental problems, osteoporosis and Celiac Disease. Before we all got inside jobs (industrial revolution) and then started sun block for fear of skin cancer the normal vitamin D blood level in summer was around 80 ng/ml. Now 42% of us have less than 30 ng/ml year round, resulting in compromised immune...
  6. I think you already know the answer to the question of you and gluten. For your ongoing issues look for vitamin and mineral deficiencies in your diet. Unfortunately doctors don't look for nutritional causes of our symptoms. Top 3 that match your story: Have they tested your homocysteine level? It should be less than 19. Higher homocysteine...
  7. Many have had positive blood and no evidence from endoscopy. Be thankful your primary caught it before damage . What Are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?
  8. Hi Carolith. Don't beat your head against the wall. Fire that doctor. Is he really old? You won't find evidence of small intestine damage in the colon. Once gluten is out of the picture you have to look at vitamin and mineral intakes. I think that is where you will find why sensitivity differs.
  9. Switch to Snickers. M&M Peanuts are my favorite. My surprise was Twizzlers. I always though they were all sugar but when I finally read the label, turns out they are mostly Wheat! If the Mars were you're only unintentional gluten, you learned a lesson. With that gluten out of your diet you may get past that plateau I guess you are stuck on. ...
  10. Hi Leann horne, I am glad you are doing well now. What was the doctor's conclusion from this latest endoscopy? Would you mind sharing some of the latest blood work results? Vitamins D, B12, B6, Homocysteine, Folate, Thiamin (Vitamin B1) Whole Blood, Total IgA, tTG IgA in particular. Include "normal" range if you can because labs use different...
  11. With no disrespect, I would call this an oxymoron. Most of the common blood tests are measuring only the amount of that which is in the blood. In the case of potassium for example, the ratio between Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) is essential to heart function. "Total body potassium is approximately 55 mEq/kg body weight. Of this amount, 98% is in the...
  12. I am sorry for your loss. I think the problem in your question is "the gluten in all grains be recognized as problematic" This may explain it better, from Johns Hopkins: Your blood sugar drop from eating rice sounds like a deficiency in Thiamine. Celiac Disease causes malabsorption of some 20 vitamins and minerals that should be...
  13. Talk to your doctors about: Increase Vitamin D to 80 ng/ml. Low vitamin D levels are associated with increased rejection and infections after lung transplantation "In the near-transplant period, 80% of recipients were 25(OH)D-deficient and 20% were not 25(OH)D-deficient." Iodine. Urinary iodine as an iodine deficiency test in lung...
  14. Soy is naturally gluten-free but some soy products contain other gluten-containing ingredients. Soy Sauce has wheat listed first then soy, so for Chinese food make sure they use Tamari Sauce instead of soy.
  15. If you are old enough for Medicare, some Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) cover dental and vision. Get tested for low vitamin D. The low vitamin D recommended by our health care system, not less than 30 ng/ml, is enough to prevent rickets in kids but not enough for our bone density and dental health, immund and mental health. The Relationship...
  16. This test is a reflex test, which means that if your screening results return as abnormal (they fall outside the normal range for this test), then an additional confirmation test will be performed, on the same blood sample provided, in order to confirm the original screening result. Reflex tests provide the convenience of performing an additional test to...
  17. According to Harvard Health Publishing and the Food and Drug Administration, potassium and magnesium are particularly important for cardiovascular health because they help maintain normal heart rhythm. Both of these nutrients, along with sodium and vitamin D, also help regulate blood pressure. "Dietary surveys consistently show that people in the United...
  18. I get the Sabra brand. It states Gluten Free on the top cover.
  19. Hi Denise, welcome to the forum. As this is an older Newsletter Article you may not get a response from the author. https://www.celiac.com/forums/forum/46-introduce-yourself-share-stuff/?do=add Or ask a question in one of the forums.
  20. And the symptom becomes the disease. All it means is that she throws up regularly and they do not know why. Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) "Other diagnostic considerations include recurrent pancreatitis, uretero-pelvic junction obstruction, gallbladder disease, hepatitis Have they tested her for vitamin D and homocysteine levels and urine iodine...
  21. The biopsy for dermatitis herpetiformis has to be adjacent to the rash. dermatitis herpetiformis patients with a normal intestinal biopsy and normal celiac serology (blood test) will still respond to a gluten-free diet. dermatitis herpetiformis is commonly diagnosed as eczema. Symptoms normally resolve with a strict, gluten-free diet.
  22. Good job on staying gluten free for a year. Over time the multi may help but for now you need more than the minimum for recovery. The western diet has deficiencies, gluten free copy of western diet even more. Particularly vitamin D, B vitamins, Iodine, Choline, Potassium. High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in healthy Irish adults ...
  23. I ate at Outback last night. No problem. They even list their menu and GFD menu on line. Pricey but good.
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