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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Wheatwacked

  1. I, personally, have had a whole list of things that are not associated with celiac disease that magically disappeared or showed dramatic improvement when I stopped eating wheat and continues to improve as I improve my nutritional intake. Celiac Disease is a disease of malabsorption, so it makes sense that someone with Celiac could present with...
  2. "Treating your Vitamin deficiency lets you treat your co-morbidities." Posterboy, this is such a huge statement that we all should take to heart. Thanks. I would give odds that if she had been tested for it, Karen Carpenter, the singer who died of malnutrition blamed on her anorexia, supposedly a psychiatric disease, was a had Celiac. For that matter...
  3. The MTHFR issue is documented well concerning folic acid, but not folate. Hence, the increased risk of prostate cancer with folic acid but not folate.
  4. https://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/articles-1/2017/1/23/lithium-the-untold-story-of-the-magic-mineral-that-charges-cell-phones-and-preserves-memory I started using zinc, specifically Cold-Eze in 2004, when my wife was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and said if I got a cold I had to move out because of her chemo. Have not had a significant...
  5. A lot of good info here. https://www.makesauerkraut.com/fermented-pickles/ I use 1/2 to 3/4 cup of kosher salt per gallon of purified water, a handful of crushed garlic, a handful of bay leaves crumpled up, a bunch of dill, and Kirby cucumbers. A tablespoon or so of Crushed red pepper if you like a slight bit of heat. Remove the blossom end. Three days...
  6. And Pellagra is a result of vitamin B3 deficiency. Interestingly, when they started adding folic acid to foods it did lower the risk of neural tube defects like spinabifida to fetuses, but men taking folic acid (synthetic folate) have increased risk of prostate cancer while men taking folate do not. While regulations say that folic acid is identical...
  7. Apple Cider Vinegar. A daily dose of apple cider vinegar, which includes antibiotic and antiseptic properties, naturally alkalizes your system. ... A chemical-free astringent, apple cider vinegar can also be used topically to disinfect and sterilize.Oct 20, 2017 You are probably right, for years I have been substituting lemon juice for vinegar for years...
  8. 4 1/2 years gluten free after 63 years of eating wheat. Slowly but surely am improving. The neuropathies seem the slowest to improve. My lactose intolerance went away when I started making my own fermented pickles, without vinegar. Vinegar kills the lactobacillus that supports lactose digestion. Most commercial pickles are made with vinegar so no pro or pre...
  9. Multiple vitamin deficiencies are one of the symptoms of of Celiac. If you have celiac disease you are vitamin and mineral deficient. Vitamin supplements may improve your symptoms Sounds like me 50 years ago. Although I was always told that there is nothing wrong with me, four years ago I bit the bullet and mourned the loss of my best friends...
  10. Sprue is another name for Celiac Disease. Your eczema could be caused by a vitamin D deficiency as a result of comorbid malabsorption syndrome. Google it. Regardless of cause, you appear to do better without the gluten and your doctors cannot explain. Your biopsy showed improvement with GFD and your rash returned when you eat it. It seems like a no brainer...
  11. There are 200 or more symptoms that improve with a gluten free diet. What never seems to be mentioned is malabsorption syndrome, which is comorbid with celiac. For example, a friend and I have been taking 10,000 iu. of D3 for a few years now. His blood level is 70 nm/ml and mine is 44. According to a pamphlet from the UK, in order to maintain the optimum...
  12. Elephant in the room. This was how my infant son was diagnosed and treated for celiac disease, back in 1976. Nutramagen infant formula only for 6 months, then gluten free solid food. Your neurology consult is not likely to find any conclusive answer either because you are in a state of multiple deficiencies for all 28 essential vitamins and minerals...
  13. Of course it never occurred to your doctors that undiagnosed Celiac Disease might be the reason you needed the bypass surgery in the first place. Dr Mark Hymen of the Cleveland Clinic Institute of Functional Medicine has a new book, What the Heck Should I Eat? and Dr Amy Meyers specializes in treating autoimmune diseases. Dr. Meyers, The Autoimmune Solution...
  14. I use Original Alka Selzer for acute stomach upset. Then, Cream of Rice cereal to sooth and fill my belly while flushing out the contaminant. Walgreen's Nutritional shake to supplement vitamins and minerals. Baby carrots for fiber.
  15. I had the same issue with milk in my coffee. I only recognized the pattern after being gluten free for several months. I would start the day with lots of milk in my coffee and by the end of the day I was drinking it black. So I went lactose free milk, and that was better for a while. I tried the other milk, Holstein vs Jersey, milk protein A vs. milk protein...
  16. You might be deficient in vitamin D. After decades of depression I added 10K a day of vitamin D and within weeks I stopped needing my anti-anxiety med. While you are at it check your intake of all essential vitamins and supplement as needed. D, K1, and iodine are never checked and are often deficient and made an amazing improvement in my life.
  17. I do a quick rinse with Lysterine, then brush with my $14 Phillips Sonicare brush and it cleans the tobacco and coffee stains with out toothpaste. In fact my teeth are cleaner than they have been for many years. The mouthwash softens the plaque the sonic brush cleans. No need for any abrasive toothpaste and as a side effect no gum disease. Its not like we...
  18. My math says that there were 50% more celiacs with MG than the control group. 14 cases not celiac versus 21 cases celiac. This looks like the same math Johnson and Johnson used when they decided that a 30% increase in ovarian cancer by using their product was not significant.
  19. The last time I tried to buy Maalox, at several different stores I thought it had been discontinued. I went to the doctor with lower back pain. He ran a lipid panel and my triglycerides were over 10,000. I was admitted to the hospital, Acute Pancreatitis, nothing by mouth, not even ice chips, on IV Dextrose for a week. The plan was to give my guts a total...
  20. I did not mean to make you angry. I think you might find this article by Dr. Meyers interesting. She specializes in autoimmunology. In synopsis: Raynauds can be a symptom of Lupis. Lupis is often associated with leaky gut, or thyroid issues. https://www.amymyersmd.com/2018/03/5-steps-reverse-lupus/ My issue is once the doctors tell you maybe yes maybe...
  21. Along with celiac disease comes malabsorption syndrome. Get her tested for vitamin D. The mental health benefits become obvious when the blood level is in the middle to upper range. I had to stop taking my Buspirone for anxiety after a few weeks at 10,000 iu/day. The buspirone was making me woozy and I finally was less depressed and I no longer needed...
  22. I feel embarrassed to ask this but, Cycling Lady, is your daughter on GFD? There is one thing I have noticed over the past years. Most people seem to have numerous complaints about some aspect of their health. Arthritis, cataracts, gut pain, headaches, endometriosis, enlarged prostate for men or overactive bladder if you are a women, high blood pressure...
  23. Until one day in the not far future you wake up one morning and feel good for the first time in a long time. Thanksgiving 2014 I, like Ennis, was convinced I was going to die, and medications I was prescribed were not helping. Now I am on my way to health. Try 1000 mg Pantothenic Acid (B5) sustained release capsules and 500 mg Magnesium oxide caps for your...
  24. Of course you will continue to find other foods and nutritional deficiencies and side effects of the medications you take. Read Dr. Davis' book, Wheatbelly Total Health for a good overview. Most of the current popular diets today all have one common thread, either complete or severely reduced consumption of wheat containing foods then add nutrition focused...
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