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  1. Hey I noticed on an old post that you have PCOS, Celiac, AND a child? I am trying to get pregnant and my faith is really waivering... Did you have to do anything special to get your body to accept a pregnancy?

  2. Hey I noticed on an old post that you have PCOS, Celiac, AND a child? I am trying to get pregnant and my faith is really waivering... Did you have to do anything special to get your body to accept a pregnancy?

  3. How good to see you back!

  4. HappyHolly, I think it's the other way around (at least, the way I see it)--whoever came up with the idea that 200 ppm is "safe" for celiacs (the Codex standard for years) is incorrect, and many celiacs react to way, way less. So this is why there is such a push to reduce the so-called "safe" limit of 200 ppm to 20 or less. So being produced on shared...
  5. I did not edit the original post, for clarification or anything else! I didn't edit it at all--that was how I wrote it the first time. You can tell, because it appears in psawyer's post as a quote.
  6. I'm not sure I understand what you're asking me. I didn't say that "gluten-free" means that it DOES contain 200ppm, just that it may contain UP TO 200 ppm. According to Kikkoman, their soy sauce can be listed as safe, too, even though wheat is the second ingredient on the label. See: http://surefoodsliving.com/wp-content/uplo...ment_2_4_05.pdf That...
  7. For those who don't yet know this, "Gluten-Free" in the US does not mean gluten-free. It means that it may contain up to 200 ppm (parts per million) gluten. Rice Dream rice milk, for example, is processed with barley enzymes, and contains residual gluten, but they are allowed to call it "gluten-free" as long as it tests as 200 ppm or less. 200 ppm...
  8. I grew up with the pure maple syrup, and I gotta say, when you're used to the pure stuff and then try the Mrs. Butterworth's or the Log Cabin, the chemical aftertaste is obvious--and makes you wonder why anyone buys them (okay, I know, I know, they're cheaper!). Also, they're full of high-fructose corn syrup, which, despite massive advertising to convince...
  9. Bupropion (generic Welbutrin)has been linked to seizures in about four out of a thousand patients who were given up to 450 mg/day. Other possible side effects include: anxiety, headache, hyperactive sweating, constipation, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dry mouth and blurred vision. Other side effects that are less common but more serious include: palpitations...
  10. There ARE people here with DH who have reacted to lotions and/or bath oils with wheat and oats in them. I know doctors say that this is not possible. But an awful lot of us have heard doctors tell us that it was not possible for our symptoms to be caused by anything we ate. They were wrong, then, too. In fact, doctors can be wrong about all kinds of...
  11. No, Rice Chex is now gluten-free! It used to have barley malt, but they now use molasses instead. It even says "now gluten-free!" on the box.
  12. What you describe is very common with GERD, and I think thyroid problems might impact things, also. Both GERD and thyroid problems can be triggered by celiac. For now, stick with rice, cooked veggies, fresh fruits (you might want to avoid citrus and pineapple for now), steamed or broiled fish, meats, chicken, and eggs. Eat small meals 6 times a day...
  13. The only person I know with intestinal adhesions has lupus. They told her the adhesions were from the lupus. I suspect that they (and the lupus) are because of gluten intolerance, but they think I am crazy.
  14. I had a very good experience at Qdoba. The manager there told me that his wife is Celiac, and told me exactly what to avoid (I ended up having a Naked Burrito, and it was delicious). He changed gloves, and made my meal on a clean board. As long as you steer clear of the gluteny ingredients, you should be okay.
  15. There is also the possibility that multiple outbreaks of shingles aren't shingles at all but (drum roll, please) misdiagnosed DH (dermatitis herpetiformis)--in other words, celiac.
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