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  1. One of the reasons it's risky to have undiagnosed celiac when getting pregnant is because you will unavoidably be exposed to high levels of prolactin, which both promote the flow of breast milk, and upregulate the immune system. This is why so many illnesses in women can be triggered by pregnancy. To make a rational choice about your future pregnancy...
  2. Wow, the arrogance of that doctor. If you have diabetes (autoimmune type 1) and you tell your MD, "doctor I'm getting funny pins and needles in my feet" that's part of diabetes, neuropathy. You don't tell that patient, "if you're having foot problems, and you're taking your insulin, then the pins and needles are in your head." Celiac, like other...
  3. Can you create a safe space for making some "college" foods in your own room? Is it possible to have a kettle and a microwave in there? If you use only paper plates you wont' have to worry about contamination. (Note that chapati flour is wheat, you're better off with black gram flour uttapam if you know how to make that.) A square electric frying pan...
  4. This is BS, (them being rude to you makes no sense). The northern area of India has a higher rate of Celiac than the UK where you live now. http://celiacindia.org.in/about-celiac-disease/celiac-disease/prevalence/ Nobody asked to be ill. And only since the 1950s have we been able to find out why people get sick like this. You do not have to give...
  5. Other subjects seem to be well covered, so I'll focus on this... Trimebutine Mal is a gut motility reducer. That's why you feel like things just stay there. Ask if you can reduce the dose. I also take one, called Bentyl, but it doesn't totally cause stasis, which is what it sounds like yours is doing. I also take Miralax every day to keep the Bentyl...
  6. What makes it different from current chickpea flour? Finer grind? GMO? non-GMO breeding to have more emulsifiers? I know you can make meringue with the liquid in a can of chickpeas (whips just like egg whites), so this isn't very surprising. Also, Indian black gram should be looked at as another bready flour, it has thousands of years of history...
  7. UChicago is a wonderful site, thanks so much!! I didn't even know it was there, I mean that they focused on it. I think it's very possible I have SIBO, but I'm doubtful about Crohn's, and FODMAPS improved a lot after a 2 and a half year Keto diet. (I don't do that anymore, but it was helpful for a while.) Actually my tolerance for FODMAPS has been...
  8. I have suspicions that other people in my family are also Celiac. I'm afraid that until I have a positive diagnosis, they may have a hard time getting properly tested. And diagnosis isn't easy. You're over the hard part re the diagnosis. (the diet is of course also difficult, not minimizing it) Anyway it's likely diagnosis just didn't happen for...
  9. Thank you both! After the first test I did even more reading and found many stories of people who didn't get it diagnosed for years, with roughly one test per year, and different types of tests. I did the gluten-free diet trial after 23andme told me I had one of the two genes. They were vague though, and I don't know which one it is. Even self decode...
  10. I'm not a doctor but from what I've read, this is the most important one (but only important when it's positive). If this is positive, it's very specific to celiac disease. Someone has to look at the biopsy though to see if the vili have been flattened or not. The gastritis should have more tests also, I had h pylorii and it was treated. But there was...
  11. I went through this too... same here, my aunt and I have similar health, only mine's much worse. I wish I could've had a child. You're lucky in that. Gratefulness wherever it's found, right? I decided to try and validate teh diagnosis because I took care of a couple of dying and elderly people in my family (somehow I end up the caregiver, I guess bc...
  12. Hi, this is my first post. I became suspicious of Celiac or something related when I gave up gluten about two months ago and my health dramatically improved. The trick seems to be to get it diagnosed. I had a test for tTG (1 at <4), and IgA (124, normal, low side of normal). Nothing else was tested so far. The nurse called me and said "good news...
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