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Yeah, the Blue Brand does have barley and oats in it, but is wheat and soy free. We've been feeding our dog Wellness Brand for about a year now. It is wheat free, corn free, and has lots of fruits and veggies in it. He was getting REALLY itchy last year, and just started to chew his fur out! It was really bad.....so I figured....he must be like his momma (me)!!!!! So we tried the Wellness that's at least wheat free, and they just came out with a grain free, soy and dairy free dog food too! After about 2 months on the new food, he wasn't ripping his fur out anymore!! YAY!!
After seeing threads like this in the past....I finally went to my local Wal-Mart SuperCenter. Well, they didn't have one single gluten-free item!! I also checked their great value brand, like peanut butter, and did NOT see any gluten-free symbol! So then I went to just a Wal-Mart grocery store, that just has food...none there either! I've now been to 4 of em, and haven't found anything! Not in a special isle, or with the other regular mixes.
I guess Florida ones just suck!
Duncan Hines creamy supreme are gluten free. Always double check the package though!
Well, the one you are on, may actually be gfcfsf already. That pharmaceutical grade lactose should not have casein in it. You can try going to www.rxlist.com that will pull up all ingredients for any drug.
I'm using Yaz, as they have verified (the pharmaceutical company Bayer....don't ever listen to a pharmacist!! I've had pharmacists lie to me so many times to far!!) it is gluten, soy and casein free. The ethanol estradiol is derived from soy, but the way it is processed, there is no soy left in it. They do actually test it and there is no soy or casein found. I called every single pharmaceutical company already, and all other 37 brands have soy!
I know, it's really hard trying to figure out what to replace with what you used to eat!
I really like Glutino brand Fiber bread:
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For cereal, I like Enjoy Life brand cinnamon crunch granola cereal. There's also berry ones, I just like the cinnamon myself!
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It will take some time, but I'm sure you'll lose those inches and find good replacements!
Yup, eating out is a big pain in the ass!
The only places I've been going lately (about once a week) is Panera Bread and Carrabba's. I can't have gluten, soy or dairy. Panera has a few soups and salads I can have..with one safe dressing, and a few things at Carrabba's.
I do always bring something with me also. I went to the Elton John concert last night (which rocked!!!!!) and brought a Lara Bar with me, and candies in my purse. I made sure to eat before we went, and just got water while we were there.
Last year, I did get some peanuts in the shells at a hockey game. The bag said peanuts, salt, and cottonseed oil. So I felt safe with it, and was fine.
I've contacted Rice Dream a few times about this, regarding the ice cream, and milk. They have newer testing equipment now, that can detect even the smallest amount of gluten in it. If the test shows there is ANY gluten in it, it WILL be marked on the package. That's why some of them will say "gluten free and contains less than 0.002%barley" or whatever. So, if it is not marked on the package, it is safe. (each and every single batch is tested, and then the containers would be marked after testing.) I've been using the Vanilla Hazelnut milk for a while now, with no problems. It does not say it contains any gluten, so I think it is safe for me anyways.
As for the ice cream, some do contain soy lecithin. I can not tolerate any soy lecithin at all. The one I like is the Rice Dream Carob Almond, gluten-free, sf, cf. Hope this helps!
Thanks Katie for this info. If Deland Bakery also tests for gluten--- did he happen to mention if their bread passes the gluten free test??? I assume it does. I hope it does.
Your welcome CeeCee! I'm going to assume it does pass, as I said something like "So, if you test for gluten, and it tested positive, it would be on the package or something?" And he said "yes". I haven't ever had any problems eating it, so I think it's safe for me anyways! (I still haven't got an actual email from them...although the guy spoke with an accent, hopefully he got my email address right...)
I just spoke to someone from Deland Bakery. He told me that there is no wheat, rye, barely or oats in the ingredients. He said they have to put that it "may contain gluten" on the package, as the ingredients they get from outside sources, may be held in an area with gluten. (like gluten could be in the air) He said they test for gluten as well. I think it's just a thing they have to put on the package to cover their butts. I still haven't got a response from the email I sent on their contact us page, but I finally called. He's supposed to email me what he told me too, so we'll see if he does.
The rice cakes are a good idea! I love it -- I have missed PBJ.
Glad I could help!
those are my favorite snacks and my girls love them to, they are so good with homemade jelly. We just had a few yesterday lol.paula
It's one of my favorite snacks too! I just had a mini pbj rice cake right now! Yumm!
I'd give the GNC brand a try. You could try taking double the recommended dose if you think it might not be as potent as the label says. I've been taking GNC supplements for a while now, because it's the easiest soy, casein and gluten free products I can find, for a decent price too. I love how they list all the ingredient and free of things on the website, much nicer to let the fingers do the walking than standing and staring at labels for hours in the store!!
You could use peanut oil or coconut oil. Coconut oil is expensive but it has health benefits to it.
I've been using unrefined coconut oil for everything lately! It's very good, and it doesn't always taste sweet, just depends on what you are using it for/with.
I used to only use Classico sauces, until I stopped soy too! There are a few that are soy free, and I usually get those, they're made with olive oil.
I like to have a rice cake with fresh ground peanut butter for an afternoon snack. Not quite chips, but still crunchy. Sometimes I'll put a little jelly on it too, and it's kinda a mini pbj!
I have adrenal problems too, and have suffered from being very anxious and freaking out a LOT! I was just curious what the homeopathic doc suggested for helping the adrenals, so they can rest up. Thanks!
I hope you are feeling better! I know what it's like to be young and feeling like you can't do anything, and have no energy and are always sick. I started seeing a pediatric gastrointestinal doctor when I was nine!! Not one of my doctor's ever mentioned food allergies to me!! I finally figured it out from a magazine article when I was 24, then went to a doc and requested blood work. The rest is history!
Oooh, these are yummy! I've made them with a similar/same recipe. I was actually going to try making it with Stevia next time, as my mom is a newly diagnosed diabetic, and it's all natural. Thanks for posting this!
Well, I just sent an email to Deland. The owner of my local health food store has told me it's gluten free, even though it says it may contain gluten on the packaging. She told me that since the U.S. does not officially recognize millet as a gluten free grain, that is why the statement is on the package. (She said most other countries consider millet to be a gluten free grain.) I know if gluten were an actual ingredient, it would have to be listed on the package. I do not see any variation of wheat, rye, barley or oats or anything close to that on the ingredients list. I'll be interested in what they respond with, and of course, I'll let everyone know what they say!
I've been eating it for over a year at least. I'm pretty sensitive, and I've had no problems whatsoever. It's my favorite bread! I like the millet and flax seed bread a lot!
Honestly, I would just tell my Dad he was being a jerk and to butt out, but I'm a little more oustpoken than most.......... And my Dad would never have said anything like that anyway.
Why don't you have her separate out a bit of each side dish before the dairy's added? You know, a scoop of potato before she adds the butter?
Don't let your Dad make you feel like a pain in the butt! He should be more concerned about your health than his convenience!
Oh, I don't have any problem telling my dad what's on my mind! I just figured he'd say something about it. (I think sometimes I just hate having to ask for things to be different, but I know that my family does care....I still just hate going through it around holiday's and all that.) Good thinking on separating the side dishes, and getting my serving out before things are added. I actually just talked to my mom, and we're gonna get it all figured out! At first she was even like..."but you only eat white meat, nothing that touches the stuffing." Then I told her about the gluten-y drippings coming out, and contaminating the juices to make the gravy with. She did a "OMG!!! I never ever would have thought about that!" (just like me! haha!) So, at least I don't have to worry about it anymore. We're just not sure if we're going to attempt to make gluten-free stuffing, or cook theirs on the side.
Thanks again!!
If you are going truly gluten-free you CAN"T eat turkey that has had the stuffing in it! THe juice run through the turkey into the stuffing and out!!! It's a bummer
One option is having a turkey breat made seperate for you!
Thank you for suggestion! I think having a separate turkey breast is a good idea. That's usually what my mom does for me at other holidays anyways, as I can't digest red meat; so if she makes that I get my own turkey/chicken breast then. If she doesn't want to do gluten-free stuffing, or no stuffing in the turkey, I think this will be my best option.
I also want to add to this that when gluteny stuffing is in bird, the drippings get glutened from the bread and the procedure for basting makes sure that all the gluten in the drippings gets deposited on the bird.If bird has gluten bread as stuffing then the meat will have actual contamination. It's an "all or nothing" proposition.
Wow, excellent point! That part didn't even cross my mind! Thank you!!
I'm going to call my mom today and try to get this all figured out! Thanks for everyone's responses.
WoooHooo! That's great news...time to do a happy dance!
Well first, I wish you a speedy recovery! I hope everything settles down for you!
Oooh, Oscar is adorable!! I have such a weakness for puppies! I just want to snuggle him up!
I agree, it could be your body detoxing. Once I figured out soy was a big problem for me, my skin was already horrible. It did start to clear up dramatically after the first week eliminating soy. Then a week later, it was breaking out again. I figured it was just my body getting rid of the soy. My doctor told me that soy, or other foods you react to, can linger in your system for 4-6 months! Also, I had to remove casein too, because I realized my belly problems, and skin rashes started coming back. After keeping a food diary....sure enough, it was the rare times I had a tiny amount of casein!
My skin is MUCH better now! I still have a few tiny bumps, but it's because I accidentally took a Benedryl pill. I forgot to call about soy free, I knew it was gluten free! So, taking the benedryl gave me a BAD rash! (Yeah, I know, what's the point of putting allergens into allergy meds!??!?!)
As long as you read labels, there are no hidden sources of soy in food. It is an allergen that has to be listed. You do have to check with supplements and medicines, though.
Going out to eat, it is very hard to find something in an Asian restaurant. Most sauces have soy in them. Sometimes you can get Thai curries without soy or can have things made with (hopefully wheat-free) fish sauce. I find it less nervewracking to make safe Asian dishes at home. The folks in those restaurants often seem to have no idea what I'm talking about.
You probably know all the usual forms of soy without that word in the name, right? Like tofu, miso, tempeh, edamame.
Some people don't react to the soybean oil, but some do. You will see some soy allergy sites saying soy lecithin is OK, but there are those of us who do react to it. I think you can only tell by trial and error on this one. If you do react to soy lecithin, be very careful with pills. I doublecheck even if something says it is soyfree, because I had a product where the web site says that and the label used to say that, but the new bottle says it contains soy lecithin in the glaze. Replacing that with another product, I called the company about a product that says "soy free" on the bottle, but the customer service person couldn't say if that included the lecithin form or not. I had to wait for a call back from someone else the following day.
Oooh no! I never, ever imagined a supplement that says no soy, or soy free, could have soy in it! I've been using some GNC products, that state 'no wheat, no gluten, no dairy, no soy, no artificial colors, no preservatives', etc. Should I call them to double check then? WHY put that on there if it has soy in it!?!??!
ps...I react to soy lecithin very much. I do have a bit of a rash now, after starting a new supplement, but I thought it was from cc from going out to eat last weekend.
Brown rice pasta (brown rice flour, water), shelled hemp seed, rice milk powder, sea salt, onion powder, paprika, natural non-dairy cheddar cheese flavors, turmeric, garlic powder, calcium lactate.
I would bet its brewer's yeast (very cheesy flavor to me) and annatto for color.
Hmm, I'm just wondering if there's any casein in it. I've learned that dairy free can still have casein. I wonder if the box says "contains milk derivatives" or something?
ETS: Just found this:
Product Features
* Wheat, gluten, corn, soy, dairy, potato, casein and nut free
* Manufactured in a dedicated allergen-free facility
* All natural and easy to prepare
* Great Value, Great Taste!
* Kosher Certified
I have a question too. Okay, I have a HUGE family. The stuffing is made in the turkey and because I am the ONLY gluten-free person, I wouldn't feel right asking mu Uncle Fred to make it differently since it is his famous recipe. So, do I just bring food with me? I don't think there will be anything I can eat other than fruit! Ugh...sometimes I hate this!
Ughhh, I hear ya! I'm the only gluten-free one too, (and soy and casein free now too). I just hate to ask my mom about this, but I think she might understand. She's really good about cooking gluten-free, cf, soy free meals for me. She always reads the label, and when in doubt, she calls me or the manufacturer. I just feel like I'm such a pain in the butt!! The problem is, I can hear my dad now..."ARE YOU SERIOUS?? You'll be FINE! It's not touching what you are eating." Ack! Oh man, now I just realized this will be hard for making her side dishes and potatoes without dairy! Maybe I should just make my own food????
in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications
Well, I wish I did overlook it! I looked, my husband looked, and my mom went to another one. My mom even went and asked an employee, she thought they were supposed to have it on there as well. This was about 8-10 months ago. Maybe our area had old products that didn't have new labeling on them, I'm not sure. I just gave up on Wal-Mart after that....especially since our local health food store states gluten free on their brand, I just thought we'd try and save a few bucks at Wal-Mart.