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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Kristie008

  1. Cyclinglady, I will absolutely confirm with my GI about how many biopsies were taken. I have my EGD procedure report that states: Duodenal biopsies were obtained to evaluate for celiac disease. Duodenum was normal upon examination. So, I'm assuming that more than one biopsy was taken. The procedure report also states that: The Olympus video endoscope...
  2. ZobGuyn, I'm sorry I should have specified! My EGD procedure report states: Duodenal biopsies were obtained to evaluate for celiac disease. So, more than one biopsy was taken. I too am not aware of anything else that causes elevated TTG antibodies, I plan on asking my GI about it tomorrow! Thank you so much for your response!
  3. I wish I could help you interpret those results! It's so frustrating to not be able to read the results of your test accurately! Have you tried Google-ing each of those individual results? A GI doc really would be the best place to start and get some solid answers, as well as the endoscopy, but I certainly understand that those are all things that cost a...
  4. I am very confused by my test results that I received and was hoping for some clarification and answers to some questions that I have! In November of 2017 I had a celiac disease panel done. These are my results: Name: IgA My value: 401 Reference range: 68-408 Name: TTG Ab IgA My value: 71 Reference range: 0-3 This information...
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