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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by CeliacDaniel

  1. So, the NIH has put out a research paper on the involvement of Liver in Celiac Disease, you can see it here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3941070/ those with Celiac could be subject to “celiac hepatitis”, one reassuring finding with the NIH is that liver architecture is usually abnormal in celiac hepatitis, but generally the changes are mil...
  2. Are you able to tell me what this means? Misc Ancillary Test 12~QUEST DIAG TEST NAME RESULT Hla-DQ2 NEGATIVE Hla-DQ8 NEGATIVE Hla-DQA1* 01 Hla-DQB1* 0202
  3. The only other test the VA ran was: GLIADIN Ab, IgA 25 High U (>< 20) My doctor called me yesterday and talked with me about the test results concluding I don't have Celiac, but will not run any other tests. Also went to the Emergency Room (ER) last night, I ate soy chorizo and soon after had diarrhea but the ingredients...
  4. I just got brand new testing in and wanted to know if someone could help me on this one. Misc Ancillary Test 12~QUEST DIAG TEST NAME RESULT Hla-DQ2 NEGATIVE Hla-DQ8 NEGATIVE Hla-DQA1* 01 Hla-DQB1* 0202 Here are the notes, but regardless of what it says is there anything else I...
  5. I just got brand new testing in and wanted to know if someone could help me on this one. Misc Ancillary Test 12~QUEST DIAG TEST NAME RESULT Hla-DQ2 NEGATIVE Hla-DQ8 NEGATIVE Hla-DQA1* 01 Hla-DQB1* 0202 Here are the notes, but regardless of what it says is there anything else I...
  6. I have read that Pectin can stimulate a response in those with Celiac Disease. I have to recall where I got it from. Here, however, is an interesting look at Pectin https://www.food.actapol.net/pub/6_3_2007.pdf I received the smallpox vaccine while in the Army, which may have caused my Iummonglobulins to raise, hence, I think the Army is responsible...
  7. Yeah I can't recall where I read that, I did, but just don't remember. But there could be a connection. https://www.glutenfreeliving.com/gluten-free/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-and-diabetes/ A company is researching that Celiac Disease could be due to a virus, not surprising as viruses have done a lot to the human body. Even from...
  8. I am not sure whether I have Celiac Disease, I have a moderate high QIG-IGA 558, the range is up to 356 I think. I am deathly afraid to get a biopsy, but the VA (veterans affairs) is going to give me the TTG test (blood draw). I am 37 years old and I have been to the ER many, many, many times. It is to the point where doctors will kick me out of the...
  9. I'm going to ask my doctor to test me for other possible autoimmune disorders, but I understand that most is just a marker and not an actual disease. So I won't worry about the QIG-IGA, it sounds a little elevated. But that is about it. Yeah if you can think of anything else let me know. I take multivitamin called Celiact, which seems to be working...
  10. I see, well at least I am not eating gluten to the best of my abilities. Yeah I know you can't diagnose me, but I did find an interesting article from NIH about CS and Liver problems, the site is https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3941070/ Yes from what you said my QIG-IGA is high and so is yours, have you tried Immunosuppressants? Yes...
  11. How does Celiac Disease affect the liver? If I stay away from gluten and or wheat could it then not affect the liver? I try and stay away from sugar, but do eat fats. My recent bout with the flu and the liver issue, I am eating a lot of banana's right now. What possible other autoimmune issues with high QIG-IGA? And is my QIG-IGA that high? Also...
  12. So September of 2017 I got some blood test results back from the VA (Veteran's Affairs) my allergy tests came back from a blood draw: CLAM IgE [QST] < 0.10 kU/L (>< 0.10) Final CODFISH IgE [QST] < 0.10 kU/L (>< 0.10) Final COW'S MILK IgE [QST] < 0.10 kU/L (>< 0.10) Final CRAB...
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