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  1. You are an absolute treasure Kitty! Again, thank you so much for all the wisdom and guidance. I'm over three years into my celiac journey and I just feel terrible, so I knew something had to be wrong despite my bloodwork being OK. So I bought a home glucose monitor and sure enough it seems my blood sugar is spiking quite high which is probably leading...
  2. Hi Kitty, I think my numbers are a bit high. Some sites say I'm on the high end of normal and some sites say I'm normal. Jan 23rd Pre-Supper = 5.5 mmol / Jan 2rd 2Hrs After Supper = 7.1 mmol Jan 24th Morning After Fast = 5.7 mmol / Jan 24th 2Hrs After Breakfast = 9.2 mmol / Jan 24th Pre-Supper = 5.6 mmol Did you experience blood sugar...
  3. Thank you so much for the info Kitty! I really appreciate it. I will keep track of my readings for a few days. I've been tested for diabetes before but maybe it's time to get checked again? Chronic poor health is exhausting
  4. Yes tested many times and just did a finger prick test and my blood sugar is normal...
  5. Thanks for replying! Yes I have been drinking less and less water. Sorry if I didn't make the clear. I'm down to maybe 2-3 cups a day and I'm still peeing so much that my urine is clear. I've tried adding a gatorade but I just pee that right out too...
  6. Hello Everyone Just started my fourth year gluten free after a very late celiac diagnosis. I'm noticing that I either get dehydrated very easily or I have trouble absorbing nutrients. I'll explain... I was always a huge water drinker, many litres a day. But ever since going gluten free and trying to heal, the more water I drink, the more it flushes...
  7. Oh wow. You suffered for a long time too! You must have had "silent" symptoms like me where I didn't vomit or have diarrhea. I'm glad to hear your neuro symptoms are improving. My progress is so slow it's agonizing. Yeah, from what I've been reading an epilepsy diet is high fat/specific carbs (no gluten, grains or starch). I'm not sure it would help...
  8. Wow.. Eye opening is right... I wonder why I can't seem to find a doctor who knows any of this? I likely had celiac all my life and it was only found when I was 35. Almost 4 years into a strict gluten-free diet and household, I'm still physically disabled from all my neurological symptoms. But my GI doc and even my neurologist say I'm fine... I wonder...
  9. Hello Everyone I know I've seen it around here somewhere, but I can't find it through searching. I'm hoping someone can help. Is there a list a vitamins/minerals we celiacs should be supplementing with and the dose we should take? Thank you
  10. Thanks for the article. I'm coming around slowly and I'll never risk eating out again.
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