The day I heard those four words, my life changed forever. No, they were not “will you marry me?”, yet I fondly remember that. They weren’t, “you're having a baby”, although that was the happiest moment of my life. The day I heard those four words, was the day that I realized life is full of ironies, and not in an Alanis Morissette kind of way. It was the day that a simple statement nearly put me into immediate carbohydrate withdrawal. Those four words were, “You have Celiac...
I was born and raised a Catholic, yet, upon my diagnosis with Celiac Disease, I began to question the theory of Karma, and whether or not it does in fact exist. In Eastern Religions, through the laws of Karma, the effects of all deeds actively create past, present, and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one’s own life, and the pain and joy it brings to them and others. I have wondered many times - why me? Why do I have Celiac Disease? Then the answer smacks m...