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  1. @trents @knitty kitty Thanks for this, and the formulations are helpful. The issue with high-dose Bs and nursing is while it is technically "safe" because they don't build up in fat, the mega Bcomplex turns my milk yellow and make Vivi fussy and unable to rest. So that might have to wait until after nursing, but I will double check on those formulations.
  2. @RBnorth66 @trents @knitty kitty @Viv1990 Q: Do skin biopsy results for DH that read "strong indication of DH" considered positive or not? Reasons: I took skin biopsy result to my Integrative MD today, who said it was "not definitely positive for DH" because results read: "strong indication of dermatitis herpetiformis". Prior to this,...
  3. @RBnorth66 Thanks for this! I gave up grains, along with everything else not allowed on AIP, without any cheating at all for 6mths plus (which is a horrible way to live). Rash lessened but did not go away. Other symptoms improved enough that I could do a short walk for exercise most days, but not enough to justify the strain so much restriction puts on the...
  4. @RBnorth66Thank you for this info! 1.With the grain allergies did you break out in DH right away upon ingestion? 2. Did the grain allergies show up on a standard allergy (pinprick test)?
  5. @artil The Chicago Celiac Center (at Univ of Chicago hospital) has a Pediatrics division. They may also do teleheath?
  6. You are not alone here @Artil! We have all been blamed, shamed, written off/ told we are "hysterical" and our symptoms are "in our heads". Applause and huge HUGS to you for being brave on behalf of your son. It is hard, and you are doing it!!!
  7. I did have preeclampsia-- but only post-labor. My BP usually runs low 110/70 and was low throughout pregnancy. Right after labor BP dropped to 70/30, and when it corrected went super high (160/110+) and has not gone back to regulated ...9 weeks later BP is still bouncing between 115/80 and 150/105. I'm taking Procardia 30 to control the highs, but the...
  8. @knitty kittyAlso, they put me on drip magnesium sulfate post-birth for 24 hours. It was HORRIFIC physically and mentally-- docs had never seen a worse reaction. Rash started later but Could have been the catalyst for kicking it off?
  9. Oh my goodness, THANK YOU!!!! Type of info I haven't been able to find. So appreciated!!!!
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