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DevilGluten's Achievements

  1. I 100% believe this is a possibility. My celiac kicked in when I was 30, after I randomly got pneumonia and a lung abscess. I was in the hospital for weeks on IV antibiotics. I got tested for everything you can imagine (HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc). because they didn't understand why a healthy 30 year old guy would get pneumonia and an abscess....
  2. I'm all in on the tryptophan. This is just my experience but I started taking 5-HTP supplements recently for an on-going headache problem that was finally traced back to a serotonin imbalance. As soon as I started taking the 5-HTP to help the serotonin issue, the headaches stopped almost immediately and I haven't had one in over 2 months. (This is after...
  3. One thing is definitely for sure... doctors and clinics DO NOT have all the answers. I had celiac for 13 years before any of those wonderful doctors and clinics diagnosed it. 13 years of never ending tests. I had celiac blood tests that came back negative during that period. Yet here I am years later with celiac. Changed my diet and everything that was...
  4. I haven't read this full thread but Papa John's has had a 'gluten free' pizza on their menu for a while now with this exact same disclaimer. It's not just Domino's.
  5. Just ran into this myself. Was flying home from Denver and had a 3 hour delay (on the runway ugh). The attendants gave out some pretzels. I asked if they had some peanuts or chips or something other than pretzels and I got a fairly snide remark back... She said 'Pshh, we haven't had peanuts in a long time. People have allergies you know?' Ha! Indeed...
  6. LOL. Oh man... if this is what this community is about, I am out! I'll deal with my celiac on my own. Really? Is this what life has come to? People looking to be offended/upset by every little thing? I am really supposed to be offended by a cartoon rabbit because he made fun of my food allergy?? Wow. Food Allergy Bullying??? OMG.
  7. Thanks! Since I only stopped gluten for a day and a half, I think I'm ok. Hopefully. I ate a couple of white bread sandwiches yesterday, and a big mac today before getting tested a few minutes ago. (the last Big Mac ever?? gasp! lol) I'm guessing that 36 hours without gluten didn't clean me out and I will test normally as I would. We shall see.
  8. Thanks! I was only really gluten-free for about 36 hours so I'm hoping that won't effect my test result if I ate some today and get tested tomorrow. I usually am very gluten heavy - lots of pasta and bread. But it seemed a bit quick to notice a positive effect in just a day and a half so thought I'd ask about it.
  9. Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies made by 'Enjoy Life'. My wife just came home with these. Found them in Acme. Taste just like Chips Ahoy chocolate chips. Impressive. Good find.
  10. Just curious. I am new to this and on Friday and Saturday I started gluten free. By Saturday night I was already feeling a lot better. The daily headaches I have been getting for 3 weeks now was gone, along with the chest inflammation I have. Getting a round of blood tests tomorrow because my blood test last year showed negative (my recent endoscopy showed...
  11. Hi Fergie. New here too. I think the endoscopy is the more reliable test. They'll take a biopsy and that will confirm what the blood test shows. I am in the opposite boat... last year I had a blood test that showed negative but my recent endoscopy showed Celiac. I've been furiously researching too. Gluten-free seems to be just about the only treatment...
  12. Seems this is fairly common. I am new here too... just diagnosed last week after 13+ years of ridiculous symptoms all over the body (red bumps included). I was blood tested as late as last year for celiac as part of my normal physical and it came back negative. But the recent biopsy I had from my endoscopy showed celiac, and that is supposedly the more...
  13. On the marijuana topic.... there is no gluten in marijuana. If so, I'd have been dead a long time ago lol. I've been smoking forever and I honestly think it is one of the things that have kept me going all these years before I got diagnosed. Here is some interesting anecdotal evidence I found about MJ and celiacs... there are canniboid receptors in the...
  14. Yeah, I don't typically drink Jack so I wasn't super familiar with how they make it. Plus this wasn't on my radar yet. I don't drink a lot but when I do it is almost exclusively vodka. I generally never have problems with that. Beer though... OMG beer messes me up. I've avoided beer for a while now. And the home cooked thing seems to be the way...
  15. Thanks Ennis. Good info. Dairy has always bothered me so I've avoided that for a while now. So that is no biggie for me. The oats either. The bread though... man do I like my hoagies. I heard that Jersey Mike's has really good gluten free sub rolls and when you ask for them, they change gloves and wipe down the counter and stuff. So they seem to be...
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