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  1. Yeah sorry wasn’t trying to insinuate that the link was wrong. Also, i don’t have any strong feelings that I have celiac. I don’t know WHAT I have unfortunately! I was just trying to rule it out and then I had the low IgA which led to me to researching that and I was curious if that was indicative of something yadda yadda...I fell down an Internet rabbit hole....
  2. Thanks! It’s interesting because the link someone shared above says as long as the IgA is over 20 the test is accurate but I’ve read annecdotal stuff suggesting otherwise.
  3. He actually outgrew the wheat allergy! Hooray! He has traditional, IgE mediated, food allergies. He's still allergic to barley and rye. I think it's probably best to leave the gluten in just in case, even though it really looks like celiac is not what I have.
  4. Thank you! I am seeing lots of conflicting info on low IgA and how it affects the testing. It’s also difficult because when I search most results are for IgA deficiency and not low IgA (deficiency is the close to zero result from what I understand) i did find a couple of sites that mentioned low IgA specifically and did say to check the IgG, but at t...
  5. I suffered from low iron for a few years but then had an IUD placed and my iron levels have been normal since. No other autoimmune that I know of. Just a long history of IBS. Thanks for your help!
  6. Just wondering how common this is. I had tTg-IgA and gliandin IgA tested and they both came back at 2, which is without a doubt a “negative result.” However my IgA was 48, the lab cited 79-335 as “normal” and flagged me as low. My PCP said the test shows no celiac, I had already googled and discovered the low IgA situation so I asked her about testing IgG and...
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