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  1. You use it in cooking, to flavor meat with a smokey flavor like in BBQ fare. At least that is the main use I know of. Thanks so much Vydor
  2. Anybody use a brand of Liquid Smoke that is gluten-free? Thanks
  3. I hope so too! Keep us posted as to how it goes
  4. Legumes are all the beans, soy, kidney, black, pinto, etc. and peas, and then green beans (thanks to jersey, I didn't know this either), lentils, peanuts, that's all I can think of. Probably includes wax beans too. Almond butter is great, I am not doing so well with nuts for the time being so I avoid it, but I love it. I've also tried cashew butter...
  5. Peanut butter Well it's something to start with anyway. It's so good too. Wouldn't that be something if eliminating peanut butter makes a difference for you?!?! I had read something very interesting some time ago about peanuts and their high mold content and that people who have severe allergies to peanuts (the ones who can die...
  6. Sorry I can't be more specific and helpful Berneses! It might be a case where you just have to do some experimenting and food rotation to see if something you are eating is related to your night sweats. I know that isn't very fun, but if it would perhaps help it might be worth it. Good luck with it all!
  7. I don't do soy at all, that really gets my system all whacky. Grains are a problem for me, if I eat any I have to eat them in small amounts. I also try to stay away from dairy, I do have an occasional indulgence. If I have sugar in combination with grains and/or dairy this is what I notice affects if I have a night with sweating or not. I think it has...
  8. I just thought of this Berneses, I don't have as many night sweats as I used to. They used to be a frequent occurrence for me, now just occasional, but I started doing some detective work and they changed according to my diet. I noticed if I had more sugar and starches they would be worse. This made me think there was a blood sugar connection involved...
  9. Oh no, I thought they were a thing of the past for you! So sorry Berneses.
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