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  1. Anyone when in the beginning of going gluten free (I am going on month four soon) get gluten guilt when they accidently eat something contaminated or with gluten? Here's a short story: I went on my first overseas trip since being gluten free, on a cruise. I knew I should have called the cruise lines and told them I had dietary restrictions, but I was...
  2. Thanks for the response! I suppose I am a bit confused by the answer. I have been confirmed as having early celiac, or at least some form of latent celiac (high TTG IGG, and biopsy Marsh I, with genetic indicators) and I was looking to find a reason why my IGG was so high, but not my IGA, and my primary care physician was claiming an IGA deficiency because...
  3. Hi all, quick question. What levels of total IGA deem an "IGA Deficiency?" I've had a hard time finding research on what it is (is it lower than the range used? is it just low on the scale within the range used?) This is assuming that the total IGA is tested in the comprehensive celiac panel. For example, I am a 99 on a range of 87-352. In my opinion that...
  4. Thanks so much for the response! It was a bit confusing because I was trying to be careful afterward and thought "I've ensured this is not CC, so why do I feel bad after every next meal?" I think I will check out the glidenX to sooth the after-affects.
  5. Hi! Just wondering if anyone has this problem after getting glutened. When I've gotten glutened a few times, it lasts about three days. I've noticed that my next meals that I have over the next few days almost make me feel like I'm being glutened all over again, with bloating and heavy rock stomach and cramps and gas, and keeping in mind the following...
  6. Hi all. Very frustrated here (as I have noticed the trend with the pre-diagnosis!) I just joined but have been reading countless threads on my journey since October 2017. I figured it was time to ask and be involved in a community because my doctor seems to overlook all my results and just seems to quick to write off anything thought provoking in my labs...
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