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  1. Thank you so much for this doc. I will print it/bring it on my phone for next week's visit so that she can better understand.
  2. Little late but just wanted to say thanks to the above responders! My insurance will now cover the blood test and my general Dr. wants to go ahead to make sure it's celiac. I'm fine with that, but...she believes I do NOT have to consume gluten to show the antibodies. This goes against everything I've read and I've tried to convince her that you need...
  3. I've been thinking about this since I'll probably do it, and pray it isn't really celiac to say good-bye forever to them but: Donuts, real donuts, filled ones, that are HOT AND FRESH! Mac N cheese, in every ridiculous cartoon character or cheese variant. Churros, wild cookie/cupcake flavors. Chinese food, Japanese ramen, Italian pastas...
  4. I'm going to try to do a quick run down of what I've been through to find that I have a problem with gluten, and to anyone who reads it fully I'd like your opinion on the test for celiac. Freshman year: itchy red rash while running every day in PE, I'd always have granola bars or a snack before this class. I thought it was the shorts/detergent but changing...
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