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Interesting that two folks said antibiotics made them feel better. I'd read that antibiotics are pretty effective for large bowel bacterial dysbiosis, but not small bowel - that it tends to exacerbate it.
Anyway, all my tests for giardia and the like came back negative, so now I'm thinking that SBBO might be the case, plus liver impairment and gall bladder impairment. What I know, is that my digestive processes are messed up, and those are the big players, right? Maybe I don't have SBBO at all...who knows. My insurance is terrible, so I can't get many tests to figure it out.
I'm taking probiotics, digestive enzymes, and Betaine HCI (increases stomach acid?) with every meal now (probiotics 1/2 hour before) and my bowel movements are starting to look relatively normal again - well, the food is somewhat digested anyhow.
My lab tests from Enterolab are pending. So I guess I'll just keep to my zero sugar/zero fruit diet, and the pills; then do a liver cleanse, a gall bladder cleanse, a colon cleanse, and see what's going on after that.
Thanks all for your responses.
I like it BUT...I add sauteed brocoli and onion or shallot. If folks eat garlic, that would be good too. Then I add some mustard (someone taught me to do that to mac & cheese years ago) or tobasco or something. Then it is tolerable. Actually, it's pretty good in a demented sort of way.
Anyone diagnosed with this? If so, what were your symptoms. I'm considering this as possibly my problem right now, so have done web research...but some real life reports would be great if anyone has any.
I found a great resource for interesting raw food recipes and ecologically minded stuff.
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A lot of the recipes call for blenders and dryers and spiralizers -- but what I like about it is how interesting they are. They sound delicious!
Hi all! I'm wondering if any of you have a Vitamix, and could tell me if you like it and why? Also, can it make salsas and such, or does it only blend?
If anyone has the VitaPrep - I'm also interested in that. It seems to make chunky stuff AND blend.
Any thoughts?
p.s. adopting raw food diet, so need powerful blender - more than just fruit smoothies.
If nothing shows up in the poop samples, we're moving on to possible hpylori or gall bladder or something. I'm getting some testing done at Enterolab too. Problem is right now my stomach is so sensitive,I can't really eat anything...so how I'm supposed to come up with four different pooping samples is beyond me.
I used to be a vegetarian, but went back to meat after quitting gluten...so about a year and a half or so. I have noticed bacon seems to set me off. Not always, just sometimes...unless I'm getting glutened everytime I eat bacon, which I doubt. Anyway, I've been veggie again for a week to figure out if it's fats, giardia, bacterial or yeast dysbosis, or what. ARG!
Thanks for the tip. I know I don't want to take the drugs they suggest for giardia, so I'll be glad if it's not that.
I'm not having independent abdominal pain, but I'm not happy while using the bathroom. It is more of a real sense of my own paristalsis - a sort of almost cramped state.
Also, does anyone know about bacterial dysbiosis? Maybe I've got that going on?
I was always the constipated celiac sufferer. Two and a half years ago, I quit wheat and dairy; One and a half years ago, I quit gluten. I've been better since then - not perfect, but lots better. The problems that have come up have mostly been bloating.
Starting a few months ago, though, I've started having different celiac-related problems. Mostly, instead of being constipated, I'm the opposite, though not totally watery, certainly not desirable. Okay, if WHEN I move my bowels it's not great, that's one thing-not a good thing at all. But it's the rush to bathroom thing that is really getting on me. I've become afraid to go do things I used to do, like rock climbing or hiking, because I don't want to be too far from the bathroom. I will feel perfectly 100% fine and normal, probably even have a normal stool, then within an hour of that, not so great, running to the bathroom, and very unpleasant times when I get there. Sometimes terrible smell, sometimes not. Almost always, though, undigested food, lots of yellow color (bile), and either totally sunk, or fluffly and floating. (It's the fluffy floating ones that don't smell so good.)
I'm frustrated because I am VERY cautious about gluten. Our household is gluten free. I never eat out. I only eat trusted company's food (i.e., not amy's).
A couple details: about when this really came to a head was when I went on a fishing trip where our campground had no potable water. We drank water from the American campground about 10 minutes walk away (I'm American, but was fishing on the Skagit River which is just north of Ross Lake in Northern Washington/Southern British Columbia). It was not marked to be boiled - but the water was only that far away from this water.
So, it's possible I've gotten giardia or something of that nature. I plan to go to the doctor tomorrow to rule out parasites/bacteria/viruses that could be causing my problems.
Any other ideas, though?
I made banana bread with it, and it tasted pretty coconutty - though everyone liked it. Then I made an applesauce cake with it, which did not taste coconutty.
I have not had similar testing/results as you, but have had similar symptoms.
I had canker sores like crazy before going gluten free, and bloating - I mean painful horrible bloating, though I also got that from dairy. I was always constipated. I didn't have sinus stuff really, until recently when I've developed a couple allergies. The sinus rinse thing should certainly do the trick for that if it is allergies or just irritants.
Do you eat a lot of vinegar/acidic foods b4 the canker sores show up, or do they just show up randomly. Mine would go away w/i a half hour or so...do yours? Or do they stay? And the bloating...does it get worse in the hot shower, at night, when you eat ... or is it constant? Does passing gas make it feel better, or does it just go away on its own? And does your tummy hurt when you have the bloating?
buffalo jerky. not a bar, I know...but protein.
We went gluten free after trying about three or four months of segregated counters and cutting boards. It has gone just fine. I allowed pizza in the house for a while, and still allow beer. But the other day a friend of ours brought over crackers and cheese, and i didn't want to seem nuts, so let it go. I got sick that night...who knows from what...but always possible. My daughter and hubby eat gluten stuff out and about; other than that, they don't mind at all. They both love millet bread.
I am reading the "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" book. Just yesterday I read where it was talking about the sulfur smell coming from an overgrowth of a certain kind of bad bacteria in the gut. Do you take supplements to reintroduce the beneficial bacteria back in?? You may want to look for a brand that meets with your restrictions.
Sometimes when I have these episodes, I'm in a stressful situation. Once I got terrible toilet troubles on my birthday as soon as I entered this building where someone worked who I did not want to see. I was perfectly fine until that moment, and when he left the party, I was fine again. I had just eaten out, so who is to say what it was....but I know that stress gets me in the tummy and bowels pretty regularly.
Good thoughts everyone. Thanks.
I do eat tiny amounts of lactose I'm sure - even just in sneaking tiny amounts of goat butter. That is one thing I am trying to be 100% free of while I figure things out. I don't, though, probably get it too much in other foods.
It sounds like I might want to do the Enterolab testing. Other folks have had good luck with it. I didn't know they tested for eggs. I already avoid soy and gluten 100%.
Also, I'll get some more florastor. I had some before, but ran out. It's pretty expensive, but seems to do the trick. Thanks.
p.s. of course, ever since I started keeping my food journal, I have not had symptoms...but like I said, it is very cyclical - so might appear at any time. I'll keep up with the food journal.
Yeah, I don't want to give up eggs either. At this point, I don't really feel like giving up foods for a week or two is going to answer my question...i guess I have not been too good about keeping a diary...I'll start that today.
But they really feel more like attacks - they include anxiety, tingling in my groin area, sudden need to evacuate bowels, not very friendly poop, lots of air and gas, bloat, and then emptying all the contents to leave the place empty for a day at least. It repeats in a week or two, or less. Or it will be perfectly fine poop - then a half hour later, the emptying thing, like the perfectly fine poop was just holding back the torrent of misery.
Now typically, I'd think gluten. I guess that's still possible. I was always a constipated celiac sufferer - now I'm going the opposite direction with things. I'm going to keep a diary and make sure it's not gluten hiding someplace...AND I'm due for my annual, so I'll get that blood test that watches for if I'm getting any gluten in my diet.
I also eat tons of sulphur-foods, like cauliflower, brocoli, brussels, etc. but the smell doesn't seem to necessarily coincide with eating those things. The smell is not usual for me, and I've always eaten those foods. (five pumps of the citris stuff didn't even dent the odor....arg!)
Thanks for listening ... what a weird place this is that we talk about poop half the time.
hi all. well, i've been gluten free for a year and a half now, and things were going pretty well, up until a month or two ago. i started having random (yet somehow cyclical) episodes of very loose and incredibly smelly stool. I would have go go three or four times, then wouldn't go for a day or two afterward. Then normal for a spell, then it would hit me again. At first I thought I was getting glutened. But now I'm not sure.
I also quit dairy (which I had picked up again slightly) and nightshades (which I had been eating alright all winter), but it is still happening. i had eaten a chocolate cake over the previous few days, but I'm back off chocolate...and I think it had potato flour.
the other night it was enchiladas - and I realized that chili powder is probably a nightshade. I ate it for dinner, and by the end of the meal, I felt weird and had to run to the bathroom. Didn't end up pooping, though. They were hommade, and unless the chili spice had gluten in it (advertised as gluten free), there couldn't have been gluten there.
i already do these:
no gluten
no legumes
no soy
no dairy
low oxalate (for the most part)
no nightshades
I do eat lots of eggs, and I eat corn in the form of homemade or organic sprouted torillas.
I did go camping a couple months ago and drank questionable water...but who knows. Is it worth getting a stool test?
Went from 128 to 102. I'm 5'9" so it's pretty depressing, everyone thinks I have an eating disorder.
I know what you mean. Have you tried counting your calories? I realized at one point I was getting about 1200 calories a day...so I ate more. Carbs and grains have a lot of calories, so when we lose those, it's hard to eat enough. Veggies are calorie light.
Anyway, I added potatoes (which i since had to cut out since their night-shadiness was bothering me) - and that would keep me up - quitting them too me down...weight wise. Now I eat millet bread every day to up the calories.
Good luck. By the way, I'm 5'9 too and about 120 at this point - have you been checked out to be sure there is nothing else going on?
Some of us that didn't lose weight after going gluten free might be interested in a study.
It was done in 2006, and showed that 81% of Celiac's going Gluten Free......gain weight!!
Surely that reflects the number of celiac sufferers who were underweight to begin with, due to malabsorption and D. I lost 10 pounds quitting WHEAT and DAIRY, and another 5-10 quitting gluten.
As to the bloating issues - try quitting dairy (first and foremost, especially if you also have constipation). Also nightshades, garlic, sugar. I get bloated if I eat potatoes, or if get to eating too much sugar. I also get yeasty if I eat too much sugar. (Too much sugar here, by the way, means like two teaspoons a day - I need to eat none.) What else? corn and soy are big ones. Not chewing one's food or eating too much per meal. Swallowing air while eating? Not sure on that one.
Don't have time to read through what folks have already said, but I've got tons of experience with bloating.
first, dairy, but you've quit that. and gluten, of course
garlic, especially if eaten with nightshades
sugar (feeding yeasties in the colon)
not chewing
too much at one meal?
I still get it now and again, so haven't quite pinned it down. Garlic fore sure gets me. Just some thoughts. Good luck.
Red potatoes have less starch than others, so are better for diabetics and low carb folks; but they are just as much a nightshade as the other true potatoes. Tobacco is also a nightshade. Black pepper is not. Sweet potatoes/yams are not (marigold family).
There is another thread here about low oxalates where folks talk a lot about nightshades. You might want to try it out.
Hey, so glad you're here! I've read much of the work on your website and am impressed with the research and the presentation. I'm glad we've got folks out there in the community speaking out.
Quick question I have yet to figure out the answer for. My Staffordshire Bull Terrier, aged 8, has TERRIBLE breath. His breath has always, from the time he was a pup, smelled a bit like blood. Now he's almost 9, has lost one and a half teeth (to getting a bit of a ball stuck at the roots) and has a lot of tartar...it just seems so much more systemic. Anyway, now it's a mix of blood smell and rotting yuck mouth - I'm sure you know the smell well in your line of work.
He eats raw food - lamb mostly, but sometimes beef. for a while we cooked it, and his breath got better - then got worse again. then going back on raw it got better, then worse again. so now he's back on raw, since that seems to keep his weight down, his coat non-flaky, his poop superb, etc. i supplement with olive oil, metacam (for his arthritis), msm, and calcium pills.
Any thoughts?
p.s. if it's inappropriate for me to ask your opinion, that's fine too. This is, after all, a board on celiac. My dog has done great since going grainless, that's for sure, and he's inspired me to be virtually grainless too, except my millett bread toast.
I can't answer most of your questions, but I can say this: IBS is not a disease - it is an indicator of something wrong. it is not the thing - it is the indicator. Of course you have irritable bowels...WHY is the most important question. It sounds like you're not doing diary, soy, eggs, etc....what else is in the oat flour cookies?
I am not experienced in the realm of testing, really. I tested positive for celiac after not eating wheat for a year - so I was still getting it from spelt (turns out to be a variety of wheat, actually) and oats and packaged foods, though I didn't eat a ton of those. Had you been eating those things prior to the elimination diet? If so, I wonder if this means it would not take as long for you to get it back into your system for testing?????
I hope you the best of luck. It's a tough go at first, figuring out what's wrong, then figuring out all the ins and outs of the diet -- but it is well worth it to stick with it. You've already done lots of the hard stuff - acknowledging something is wrong and trying your best to get to the bottom of it.
I will only eat out at two restaurants in my town. I have developed relationships with the kitchen. I warn them that I am coming in and ask if they have anything they can do for me that night. They are the two most expensive restaurants in town, so I don't eat out very often. But I find that they are willing to work around my issues.
that said, I am probably getting minute amounts of gluten eating there. Their kitchen is not set up to be gluten-safe.
I think what we've ended up doing is having nicer dinners at home - lighting candles, using nice linens, etc., and sometimes having folks over - so that I don't end up missing that eating out experience. In the end, I do miss it.
It's a personal call. Super sensitive folks probably can't handle much eating out; less sensitive folks moreso. All of the folks, though, getting any gluten, are doing themselves a disservice. It's a matter of balance.
Peanut butter almost always 100% of the time has mold. (and peanuts in general)
Help Me!
in Related Issues & Disorders
I would say that sugar free would help you. I am on zero sugar and zero fruit right now, trying to rid myself of an candida and bacteria in my intestines and elsewhere. Sugar feeds bacteria. It's only tough for the first few days, and if you can handle stevia (an herb), it can make it easier to handle the no sugar...it's sweet, but isn't sugar.
Since I've quit sugar entirely, I have no intestinal bloating and I'm not on the verge of bacterial vaginosis all the time (you can tell, you know what I mean).
p.s. I plan to add fruit back once my system feels nice and clean, probably three months...and then slowly.