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Hey everyone! I wanted to share an email xchange I had with a company that imports and distributes a most wonderful fruit bread. It was the best communication I've had so far.
On 5/31/06 8:46 PM
> Hello! I very much enjoy the Matiz date bread. I am wanting to try the
> Matiz fig bread, but it has an ingredient listed that I must first
> investigate: "natural flavor". I have Celiac disease, which is a severe
> intolerance to gluten (found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats), even on the
> molecular level. Oftentimes, "Natural Flavor" includes gluten in it.
> Is there any way for you to find out the source of this "natural flavor"?
> I'd so love to share these fruit breads as a perfect dessert on the Celiac
> discussion board that has over 8,000 members. We are often desperately
> searching for a dessert that has that filling cake-like or pie-like essence.
> Thanks so much.
> Sherri > Bellingham, WA
Dear Sherri,
Thank you for inquiring about the Matiz Fig Bread. The ingredients of this
product are: figs, walnuts, honey, granulated sugar, essence of vanilla,
and cinnamon. I too have celiac and have been enjoying this wonderful
product for a couple of years now. Also, for future reference, none of the
Matiz fruit breads - Apricot, Date or Fig, contain any gluten.
I would be very much interested in participating in your discussion board.
What are the requirements?
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
(I took out her name for privacy sake)
Power Selles Imports
I suggest you all try the Matiz fruit breads if you can - they are so great for killing a sweet tooth, they are healthy, and they'd be great to take to parties for eating with cheese (for those of you who get to eat cheese, lucky monkeys).
p.s. I know there's probably no gluten in oats, but didn't feel like wording that the long-way-round.
I just recently started taking B vitamins. I also take Slow FE Iron w/ Folic Acid and Tums for calcium.
If I'm not mistaken, calcium and iron can't be taken at the same time (put in your mouth and swallowed at the same time) because they block one another. I'll double check this.
My evil craving was macaroni and cheese. I ate it almost every day. The last time I did it made me have a panic attack and a migraine that lasted almost 5 days! I still miss it, though.
I swear, I kept KRAFT in business when I was a kid. As an adult I switched over to Annies - but I just craved and craved and craved. Quitting diary put an end to that. Boo hoo. What is it about mac & cheese anyway.
I've been having more fun with salads by adding things that seemingly don't make sense: asparagus, green beans...AND I have the best dressing that I make which is to squeeze a mineola (really sweet orange), a bit o lemon squeezed, some balsamic, salt and pepper, a dash of sugar...mix all up, then slowly wisk in the olive oil. It frothes up....very nice. I also plop a huge fillet of salmon on top...but that is usually dinner.
I am one of the sensitive ones, too. How do you keep from not being poisoned every 4 days??
I am super SUPER careful with everything I touch and prepare but I cannot stay well for more than a week. I live alone, wash my hands constantly, only drink distilled water, wash fresh fruits and veggies with hydrogen peroxide, then scrub with water, keep a detailed food log, no makeup, no wheat in shampoo/toothpaste, no trends in 'other' food allergies, no dairy, constantly call companies and verify gluten-free status, prepare and eat food with vinyl gloved hands.. I even scrub down my entire kitchen and knobs, lightswitces, keyboard, etc.. everyday with gluten-free baby whipes. It seems the more careful I am, the sicker I get.
Something I ate last night got me, and I was still recovering from being glutened two days ago. All I had was gluten-free chicken and washed, steamed fresh zucchini.
It gets so depressing after awhile.. I just want everything to stop.
Is there something I'm missing??
I wonder why you're drinking distilled water (sorry, I didn't read entire post so maybe someone mentioned this). Distilled water has had all of the life-giving force taken out of it by removing any mineral content. You might want to think about drinking spring water or filtered water, and you might think about adding a nice pink salt like Himalayan salt. I'm not saying this would cure your ills ... I just thought you might want to look into it.
I know that I craved potatoes all the time, and am intolerant to them. After a while, I stopped wanting them. (Thank goodness for sweet potatoes, of the marigold family -- they make good fries!)
Where would I find this?
mercola.com sells some, though it's not the kind I was using. I got mine at the food co-op/healthfood store. It's about $9/bottle, but has all the trace minerals in it. I'm going to go see if I kept the empty bottle...nope. My nutiritonist suggested "Real Salt" by someone or another..
Here are some websites about Himalayan salt:
I'll forward the kind I was using when I find it, but it looks like it might be more expensive.
All of that is if you were asking about the salt. If you were asking about the seasoning (which uses Himalayan Salt), I got that at the co-op also, but can find it at the website which I now forget, but was in previous post.
I just had to tell you that I bought some at WF this morning! Can't wait to try it--thanks again!
I love this soap. However, keep it out of the flow of your shower water when you're not using it. I mean, if you've got a hanging shower caddy that hangs from your shower head, you might find your soap disintigrates quickly. Good stuff, though.
The hair loss could be from gluten in your hair products. Check for what protein and wheat germ in there. There are some other ones...alcohol maybe ... that could be from gluten.
wow...I hope you get some answers soon.
I just had a nice quinoa salad from my coop:
green onions, black beans, quinoa, lime, cilantro, cumin, corn
It was great!
I scoped the site and couldn't find the same data. I suggest googling blood test definitions or blood count or something...someone must have something online about it.
At some point, I printed out blood chemistry definitions from a website called: www.carbonbased.com/definitions.htm.
I don't know if they are still around or not. Here's what it says for ALK Phosphatase:
Produced in the cells of bone and the liver with some activity in the kidney, intestine, and plancenta, it is mostly found in an alkaline state with a pH of 9. Increased levels are seen extensively as a tumor marker, in bone injury, pregnancy, or skeletal growth (elevated readings). Growing children have normally higher levels of this enzyme. D3ecreased levels are sometimes found in hypadrenia, protein deficiency, malnutrition, and a number of vitamin deficiencies.
Normal adult range 20-125 Optimal 72.5
this reading puts yours in "normal", but it still seems low. Anyway, that's that. I'm going of to see if this website still exists.
I have been looking at a great website called The World's Healthiest Foods. It's really great!
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It tells you the history, the good stuff, and the bad stuff about 100 or so foods. (If it's not on the worlds 100 most healthy, then they don't discuss it.) They also have recipies, and info specific to certain disorders like diabetes. (I emailed them telling them stuff on the Celiac would be great.)
Anyway, you should check it out. It's where I learned that Buckwheat is related to rhubarb, and that cabbagy veggies, if eaten a lot and by certain folks, can contribute to gallstones.
There are some studies to suggest that folks with auto-immune diseases should avoid high protein diets. That's not to say they should get busy eating white rice bread, but watching what kinds of carbs you eat does not necessarily mean pounding down the protein.
I only eat fish and eggs for animal protein, and am currently waiting on eggs until my digestion calms down (I'm one month dx'd). I 100% cannot imagine eating most meat, except maybe bacon which smells really good. Don't fret!
Also, my nutritionist was just telling me about which grains to try to eat a lot of: brown rice (especially sweet brown rice and best if you overcook it a bit until your digestion gets back to normal); millet; quinoa. They are really quite nice grains.
As to almond butter - it tastes very good on sandwiches and the like; not so good as peanut butter right from the jar. One idea is to get it raw instead of roasted. It is very gooey, but is healthier. The taste, though, might be better in the roasted kind, I've not had it.
Celtic Gray Sea Minerals make food taste amazing! They are ridiculously expensive, but a little bag lasts forever...and they provide all sorts of nutrients and minerals...and are definitley gluten-free!
Yeah, Himalayan pink salt is the same. You'll go broke eating it, but it's yummy and nutritious.
I haven't seen my test results. I'm going to request to see the lab work come Monday. I was told I had "mild" celiac. Anyway, it's been a month now and I feel better (no canker sores, almost no itching) in most ways (though the C is back with a vengeance - now starting to clear up on my new diet of slow cooked brown rice and veggies 24/7), other than the fatigue, which is taking a spell to get rid of.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of some breakfast that lasts with you.. I usually have eggs, and grits or eggs and toast, I have to eat at like 6 and dont get out of class til 12 20 so this is hard I am use to snaking and they dont allow it! does anyone have any suggestions of a breakfast I can switch up to that last other than eggs? does anyone have a good sausauge swirl, like bisquits with sausage in it recipes?
I just this morning took slow cooked brown rice from the day before, added a chopped up apple and cooked it another 1/2 hour with water (or pear juice if you like), then ate it. It was pretty good, and the most filling breakfast I've had in a while. I did have to add quite a bit of sweetner: I usually only add maple syrup, not eating refined sugar for the most part, but ended up adding raisins and brown sugar as well.
Anyway, it lasted.
I just bought this stuff from my co-op called "Seasoning" made by Lydia's Organics in California. It's weird, but it tastes good. It contains: dehydrated carrots, celery, parsley, sprouted seeds (sunflower, almond, flax) herbs, and himalayan crystal salt. She says it's all organic and all gluten, sugar, and oil free. She also makes cereal and crackers are bars. Mind you, the stuff costs an arm and a leg -- I'm always a sucker for packaging. Anyway, just had it on my salmon burger and it was pretty good. It's 5.79 for a pretty large package (has no amount on it).
website is: www.lydiasorganics.com
All this talk of the tapioca bread; I just bought it and used it to make a salmon burger. It was good. It took a lot less away ffrom the salmon burger and mayo/mustard than did the brown rice bread.
Another thing I thought of is to not necessarily believe in the exclusivity of each part of our bodies - the colon being the colon, the arm being the arm ... they are all connected.
And in this way, alternative medicine can often be a good choice. I see an Ayurvedic doctor from India. Ayurved means science of life, and it is thousands of years old. (Western medicine is less than 200 years old in most ways - not to say it doesn't have its strengths, it does...but so does ancient wisdom.)
Anyway, might want to think about exploring other options like that, acupuncture, naturopaths, meditation, hands-on healing (for diagnosis/treatment), etc.
Good luck.
Sometimes, metaphors help. One I use:
If life is a journey, which I think we could say it is, at least in the terms of time and movement and experience and the like, then your body is the vehicle with which you take this journey.
I would rather go on a long roadtrip in a finely tuned volvo or mercedes than my old 76 chevette with four cylinders (sometimes) and rusty panels.
I look at my body like the temple that houses my consciousness, my soul/spirit/energy/aura, my mind, my emotions, my everything. It is a house or car or whatever that contains these things and allows them to be safe and free and expansive and introspective.
If my body/house/car is malfunctioning, or functioning at less than optmal, then my life experiences are less than optimal. You can easily see this when you think about not feeling well at a party, or getting elevation sickness when going mountainclimbing - the experience is dulled or manipulated by unwellness.
So, everything I do, from big things like choosing not to drink alcohol to small things like putting on lotion, I actually imagine myself nurturing my temple so that my life experiences can be optimal.
Sounds a bit new agey, I know....works for me. Thought I'd pass it on.
I've had "IBS" my whole life. Well, actually Celiac no doubt, but only found that out a month ago. I have been worse with the gas/bloating since i quit gluten (had quit wheat two years ago).
I know that one thing that helped my IBS was quitting nightshades. Many people with IBS are prone to that problem.
Also, my nutritionist says that I have to rebuild my gut in order for my digestion to work right. If I just quit gluten, that would be good, but I need to rebuild what I should've had all these years. So I'm on some stuff to rebuild the lining of my intestine, promote and repopulate with good bacteria, and get the right vitamins/minerals to fix up my guts. (Then we move to the liver.)
Have you done any rebuilding activities, like supplements?
Also, walking really helps IBS, as does Yoga.
4. Celiac does not cause true "pernicious anemia", but it can cause b-12 deficiency, which some doctors loosely call pernicious anemia. And yes, as you heal, you start absorbing better, and if your b-12 status is low, should improve.
5. true PA is auto-immune. the body destroys the cells that produce intrinsic factor, resulting in poor or no absorption of b-12. there is a genetic component.
I've had many many many symptoms improve on the b12 injections. my initial count was severely low....a 48!!! my dr. did not do anti-intrinsic factor antibodies w/ my workup, so the PA diagnosis is on hold until i go in for that. if antiparietal/antiintrinstic factor are both negative, i will have a shilling's test.
my biopsy was neg for celiac/crohn's, and bloodwork only IgG positive. i just know i'm so much better off gluten.
I'm glad you said this. My doc told me I had pernicious anemia as well, but when I looked it up, I realized I had not even been tested for it. What she should've said was that I had a severe lack of B12. I wonder why doctors can't just say it like it is.
Let us know how your other tests go...I tested positive for Celiac so probably that's why I have the B12 issues, but I'd be curous to find out about your antiparietal/etc....stuff.
Fantastic Food
in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications
My food co-op has it; it lives with the cheese. Or you can probably order it online.
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Good luck. It's yummy!