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Charmain Ross

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Charmain Ross

  1. Tests came back negative for Celiac. However, I have been gluten free since the scope, and do feel alot better. Why do I feel I need a "diagnoses"? I know the diet has helped.......I guess I just want official answers to why I have an inflamed stomach and so many gastric issues. ?
  2. I have been having stomach issues for years! In the past 7 years, I have been hospitalized 3 times for "gastritis" which was always contributed to stress or virus each time. I have been diagnosed in the past with Gerd and IBS. Recently, my symptoms of pain, reflux, gas, bloating and bathroom issues have redeveloped leading my gastrologist to order an endoscope...
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