Thanks, Ennis_TX. Should I be concerned that he says I only have to gluten challenge for 2-4 weeks before a blood test? Everything I've read, both from the non-conclusive gluten challenge I did 5 years ago and again recently, says you need more time than that.
I'm just frustrated. I don't want to repeat all the symptoms for nothing... they are debilitating...
One of the ways to rule out celiac without eating gluten is to ask for the genetic test. If you don't have the genes, you can't develop celiac! If you DO have the genes, it doesn't mean you have celiac but you are more likely to get it. But if you have one or both genes and you want to move forward on a diagnosis, you do need to be eating gluten for your...
I started developing sensitivities to gluten about eight years ago. Five years ago I went to an internist and asked to be tested for celiac. He gave me a celiac genetic test and I came back positive for both HLA DQ2 and DQ8 genes. At that point I had been on a gluten free diet for months, and we agreed I would need to start a gluten challenge. I was given...