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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jestgar

  1. Three years from now. Need more equity and time (and money) to update a few things on the boat. 'tis a carefully thought out plan in reality and I think I made my brother and sister jealous (always a bonus).
  2. For a while now I've been trying to steel myself to have the "big retirement plan" discussion with my parents. I've been trying to predict their concerns and have prepared answers and I expected to have the full acceptance take a while. The actual conversation went something like this: Me: *deep breath* "So I'm planning on selling my house and taking...
  3. What was that glitter debacle with braided yeti hair? Anyone remember that?
  4. Actually, if you could offend the yeti, that might be worth a position in the royal court.
  5. Can the turks be in it? The chickens aren't interested, but turkeys love to strut.
  6. And if you bring a snack, be sure to bring enough to share.
  7. Well, yes, but it was a small tree frog so the ending was relatively quick. Turks are great hunters and stalk their prey carefully. Hysterical to see them stalking the cats.
  8. Took the turks out foraging in the front yard today. They was askeert, but it got more fun when they found the frog.
  9. Nope, doesn't work at all. Replaced your ginormous, well-thought-out blog post with a sentence.
  10. It is customized to fit your active lifestyle!
  11. Who had the iPad named Maxi? http://www.etsy.com/listing/41296440/imaxi-the-original-apple-ipad-casecover
  12. Very harsh. I still can't quite accept it. Every now and then the world seems a little dimmer when someone wonderful moves on to their next adventure.
  13. My 5 week old poults were going at it hard. I tried separating them, tried detention, nothing would deter them so I resolved to listen to the squeals and let them work it out. But I hadn't figured on Mama. One of the poults was raised by my silkie, so she listened to about 5 minutes of squealing and had had enough. She marched her tiny little butt...
  14. Really? Couldn't yopu substitute something made with baking soda, like muffins?
  15. Awesome graphics Vienna! Like that the women don't have boobs big enough to shade a village. Turks survived their first night outside after much wailing last night. They had to appreciate being able to wander around this morning when they got up. I let everyone out in the yard and came inside to make some warm high-protein mash for the tirkeys. When...
  16. So happy for you and your fam, Lowee! It's about time! Turks are still kicking. I actually may be believe that they're sort of getting better - less wobbly and spend less time under the heat lamp. It's been sunny the last few days so we've gone out for a few hours in the afternoon to dig through the grass and look for anything exciting. Snuffles still...
  17. Sorry LoLo. Things are really hard out there now. I still don't have a job, but then, I don't really want one. I'm not sure how I managed to spent the last few years actually getting up and going to work; I feel like I lived in a fog of exhaustion for a long time. To make a little extra money I started writing at textbroker.com. You have to have...
  18. Awww. That's adorable! Butch is hoping one of the poults escapes so they can play 'ball' together......
  19. My tough week with turks continues. Yesterday goy up and one of the inside poults kind of staggered out of the box and collapsed, gasping for air. She died about an hour later. The other two also looked feverish and were sneezing so I walked down to the chicken store (my truck is broken again) and got some antibiotic. Made them water and food with tetracyclin...
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