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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jestgar

  1. :lol: I've been working on my five year plan - whaddaya'll think? Plan A. Work for five years, save money, sell the house, move to Ecuador and retire. Plan B. Work for five years, save money, sell the house, spend several years sailing the South Pacific, around South America, and the Carribean with the pirate. Then move to Ecuador and retire...
  2. Lots of hugs Knick. I hope you are starting to feel like you are coming out the other side.
  3. mebbe that's why she started running.....
  4. got a cordless drill for my birthday....
  5. Well, hunky man has a job, but he did get me a bathmat for Christmas (Em - Will has a challenger for most romantic gift-giver!) so I can use the oils without risk of bodily harm.
  6. snort I clicked, but wasn't motivated to actually read anything
  7. I have been sitting here on my butt for hours reading stupid stuff on the internet. Anybody have any motivation to send my way?
  8. It really is hysterical. I sent it to the theatre people - they're doing Les Mis this season
  9. Re-peep seems to be past the fragile stage. She follows Mom around instead of standing in one place crying, and she's successfully put herself to bed three nights in a row. Guess I can stop fussing now. In other news, after watching that 'Hoarders' show I've started trying to clear crap out of my house again.It's not that I have a lot, I just don...
  10. Thanks for the update Shroomie. I was just thinking about NZ and wondering how folks there wuz doing. Re-peep is still peeping. She's so tiny, and it's so cold that she spends a lot of time yelling at her mom to SIT DOWN ALREADY. I took a little extra time this morning to make sure she had food and drink and she didn't scarf down like crazy, so I...
  11. A happy, sleepy New Year to all! Re-peep is still with us, and her mom was sitting on her early this morning. I'll bring her out some warm sugar water in a bit. Fireworks from the boat were fun, and really really cold. Fortunately we had warm kitties to come home to.
  12. Well, dunno if Re-peep is gonna make it. Dovey is a terrible mom. Got the wee one out of the nest waay too early. Leaves her alone to run for treats. Knocks her away while scratching, and I came home from dog-sitting, right at dusk, to fin Re-peep alone in the pen, cold, bloody, abandoned. Of course as soon as I went in the pen all the big girls came...
  13. Yeah! Well, no miracle chickie resurection, but Re-peep hatched and seems fine. I'll listen to the last egg today, and if it's not peeping, out it goes. That way Dovey can get up and follow the kid around if she decides to leave the nest.
  14. Weird frickin' morning. Went out to check on the chickens and found the three chicks outside the nest, cold and dead. Brought them inside wrapped up in my shirt against my stomach, because, you know, they're chickens. Reptilian-esque. Put the heated barley bag underneath them and started searching the chicken forum. Others have revived chicks that...
  15. :lol: Thought about that. Good way to test a relationship, though.
  16. Zowie. Hurt my back cleaning out the coop. Fortunately most things are doable, but finishing up the potty process is ....... challenging.
  17. Safe eating? Oh, you mean contamination. I was thinking "NOOOOO!!! Stuff yerselves silly with as much naughty food as you can! Eggnog! Fudge! Cookies!" Then come back here and whine about how much crap you ate. 'tis the psilly way.
  18. Start with my inability to use punctuation properly. *kiwis*
  19. I was gonna tell ya all about .......harvesting...... my neighbor's kiwi's, but now I'm afeared that Vensent will use me as a topic.
  20. It could just be that he doesn't learn the way school teaches. Might have to work at teaching him to teach himself.
  21. Or come visit me LoLo, tis legal here.
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