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Cindy Neshe

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  1. Tempted but the consequences are not worth it. There are plenty of gluten free food that are delicious. You just have to do a lot of research, keep notes on what works. Stay away from food that doesn’t agree with you, especially gluten. Think of gluten as poison. Eventually gluten causes worse awful things overtime to your body. I can eat out and do take o...
  2. Hello, I have a Gluten and Casein intolerance and decided to try Usana collagen. Is anyone else trying their products? Thank you! Cindy
  3. I don’t understand how companies can label their product as gluten free and then on the back of the package make a statement about “processed in a facility that uses wheat, dairy, etc. Wheat as we know contains gluten, so how can they get away with the words “Gluten Free”?
  4. Thank you so much for the Mayo study. I was diagnosed with Mineres over 30 years ago. I had two very frightening episodes of vertigo where I fell straight to the floor. I didn’t believe I had it because it never happened again for years. Never had anything close to vertigo until now. I was complaining for 10 years (2009) that something was wrong with my s...
  5. Thank you for reaching out. My Vertigo has finally given me relief. The spinning is less frequent. I started Flonase two days ago and believe it is helping me. I am able to get back to work and not have the fear of Vertigo. I’m still unsteady but manageable. I want to thank everyone for their support, it really means a lot to me! Cindy
  6. I had Vertigo off and on last month for about three weeks. I just stated getting it again. It’s off and on. One day I’m fine, I wake up in the middle of the night with it. I have it now. It’s less severe but I can’t stand up for too long very weak and start getting the dizziness. I have a cold for about three weeks now. That could be the issue with inner e...
  7. Me too! I am not trying to “blame” Celiac. I am asking if anyone else has possibly had vertigo symptoms from eating gluten or even Casein. I’m trying to see if I should avoid certain foods. The govt allows 20 ppm in all foods. It’s a trace but since being diagnosed it could be a problem for me or maybe others. I’m reaching out, that’s all.
  8. I did read both Krafts and Dumark are the makers and guarantee no cross contamination and deemed safe for gluten free. I used a Lindt dark chocolate bar with sea salt and now believe that’s the culprit since the company does not guarantee cross contamination or gluten free.
  9. The graham crackers were gluten and dairy Casein free. I am questioning the marshmallows. I used dark chocolate as well.
  10. Hello, I recently had two Vertigo episodes. I am wondering if the s’mores with marshmallows is the culprit? Has anyone experienced Vertigo from hidden gluten? I am really sensitive to gluten and Casein. I was diagnosed in May 2017 and had an endoscopy in March, small intestine was found to be normal. Diagnosis “May have Celiac”. I do carry one gene....
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