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irish daveyboy

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irish daveyboy last won the day on January 20 2013

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Cooking and devising gluten-free Recipes.
  • Location
    Dublin Ireland

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About Me

Born in Scotland in 1948, I moved to Dublin Ireland in 1952 where I've lived since.


In May 2005 I decided to stop smoking and believe this was the trigger for my Coeliac Disease.

Smoking Protects against the developement of Adult Coeliac Disease


After formal diagnosis by Blood tests, Biopsy and stool tests, I met with the dietitian.

They informed me I needed to avoid, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats and derivatives and I need to eat only Gluten Free items.

I thought 'How bad could that be' ?


Boy was I in for a rude awakening,


The bread tasted like re-constituted sawdust!

The cakes were dry and loaded with sugar to hide the 'gritty aftertaste'

The Pizza Bases, We'll I'm being kind by saying the cardboard packaging had more palatability.


That did it, 'This was a fate worse than death' No more decent bread or 'goodies'.

That drove me to do something about it, I looked at cookbooks , regular and Gluten Free and started watching

the Food Channels on TV.


I eventually managed to teach myself to bake.

My Websites are a place of reference for all things Celiac/Diabetic.

The Irish Coeliac

The Diabetic Coeliac

  1. I think before worrying about whether cigarette and their papers and/or gum do or do not contain some gluten, I'd be more worried about the list of other ingredients in a cigatette http://quitsmoking.about.com/cs/nicotineinhaler/a/cigingredients.htm David
  2. Hi Dave . . . Your bio is very interesting . . . especially the part about smoking cessation. I suspect that could have been what triggered mine although it took many years to finally figure out what was going on. I'm also of Irish descent so it all makes sense. Thanks for the great recipes!

  3. Thank you thank you thank you! It's so nice to know there is somewhere to go for a variety of recipes w/o having to do the reconstructing and reconstructing again!

  4. Wheat Paste to seal Oak Barrels MAY still be practised in small wineries where they make their own barrels, Most modern day Oak barrel makers seal the barrels with an edible wax. Here's something to read. http://organicwines.blogspot.com/2009/04/hello-michel-thank-you-so-much-for.html Best Regards, David
  5. Hi Dave, I had to comment, I am also of Irish descent(Flynn) like another commenter! My dancing has a Irish influence. I love Michael Flatley!So glad to have discovered you.

  6. \hi Davie boy. I'm a Glasgow girl born in 53 and new to all this gluten-free stuff. Just guessing this is what's up with me. Sure hope I'm right. Love the look of your receipes. Will try when I fell a bit better.

  7. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

  8. Thanks so much Dave! I have lots of reading to do on your website! I feel confident I am going to get lots from it!

  9. Thank you SO much for all your recipes. I am having an endoscopy and colonoscopy next week. I am going to throw away all my old gluten recipes and try the ones you have created.

  10. Hi Dave,

    I'm Aussie but my rellies are Irish descent.(Flynn) so I heard coeliac is common amongst Irish blooded people?? Is this true??

  11. Thank you Dave for your help and advice.

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