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ravenwoodglass last won the day on August 5 2022

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    Gardening, photograpy, painting and drawing, textile arts, glass art, reading
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    Upstate NY

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  1. Have the workers use plastic sheeting to block off any areas they are working on. I wouldn't let them come through your cooking area unless that section of your garage can be also sheeted off. While most new materials that are used are going to be safe the stuff they are tearing out may not be. One example ( that may not apply to your home) is non-toxic wallpaper...
  2. So sorry that you are going through all this. It sounds like your wife is the main problem right now and you are right to be fearful that she is doing harm not just to you but also to your children. Has she ever gone to a doctors appointment with you or can you get your records to show her (if she would even read them)? Is there any safe place where you...
  3. You need to take all the same precautions with NCGS as you do with celiac.
  4. Glad you are feeling better. Many drugs need to be tapered off rather than quitting suddenly. Your doctor or pharmacist should be able to tell you if the ones you are on is safe to just stop suddenly.
  5. Thankfully many younger people are being diagnosed without having to suffer for years or decades before doctors realize that celiac could be their issue. This should help to lessen the number of people with these types of serious complications. The advice to get regular check ups and not ignore symptoms could be a lifesaver. Even if your only symptom is...
  6. Sublingual B12 is helpful until we have healed as it is absorbed by the mucous membranes and can enter the system that way.
  7. It isn't uncommon to have good days and bad days for quite a while. The nervous system can take a longer time to heal than we would like. Sometimes gluten reactions can be delayed, in my case most smptoms hit 3 days later but some may find a reaction the same day. A food and symptom diary can be helpful for finding a pattern for glutenings and reaction time...
  8. Yes it did. They thought I had MS but a spinal tap didn't show any of the debris found with MS. I was then told they were just something that lots of people had and I jjust wanted to be sick. I wasn't diagnosed until a few years later.
  9. I found supplementing with B12 and a good stress B and C to be helpful in healing along, of course, with a VERY strick gluten free diet. You want the antibodies to stop the attack on your nervous system and even a small amount seemed to cause a set back. A good physical therapist also helped a great deal. Even after over 20 years post diagnosis I still get...
  10. Just because her result was negative before does not mean it will be now. Do get her retested with a full panel. It sounds like she may have more neuro impact than GI so her blood work may still be false negative. The antibodies can cause something called UBOs on a brain MRI which are similiear to the lesions founds with MS but in different places. Do keep...
  11. If you have one near you perhaps a Celiac Support group might help? It is a struggle and many folks don't understand how hard it can be first. Hang in there and I hope things get better for you soon. Feel free to ask any question and or vent as much as you need here too.
  12. You don't have to. You do not need a doctors permission to be gluten free.
  13. Do make sure to take copies of all the tests that have been done so far. If you don't have an online portal you can get then from get them from the doctor. They should have no issue with letting you pick up copies. Please don't go for that Whopper.
  14. Things are often up and down at first. I don't know about those specific items. If you can it helps to eat mostly fresh unprocessed foods for meats and single ingredient fresh or frozen like veggies and fruits. It can be hard if you are not someone used to cooking but you can add prepared gluten free stuff after you have healed a bit. A log book of what...
  15. You had a positive diagnosis with blood, endo and genetic markers when you were diagnosed. Blood testing has shown your numbers have come down and you have had some relief although you admit to a few glutenings. Your doctor now wants to do another endo and if that comes back negative for celiac they will put you back on gluten to see if you get sick enough...
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